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Sustainable Food Teach-Out
by Michaela Zint- 4.6
Approx. 7 hours to complete
Did you know that a quarter of all greenhouse gas emissions come from food and agricultural systems? Why is food choice so important for reducing greenhouse gas emissions? What does diversity, access, equity, and justice mean in the context of our food systems? Sustainable Food Teach-Out Sustainable Food Teach-Out Intro Welcome to the Sustainable Food Teach-Out: Dr....
Food as Medicine
by Gary Williamson , Melissa Adamski- 0.0
Explore the role of food in health. Apply nutrition science to guide you on using food as medicine for you and your family. Food as medicine Food and the gut Food and the brain Food and our genome Food and weight Interpreting the science of food as medicine Making choices: Food and diet...
Unravelling solutions for Future Food problems
by Prof. dr. Denise de Ridder , Prof. dr. Marca Wauben , Prof. dr. Rens Voesenek- 4.6
Approx. 15 hours to complete
Our society depends on the availability of food and accessibility to it. While many people in developing countries experience food shortage, in industrialized countries people are throwing food away. The Future Food Team Introduction Future Food & Food Shortage Part I Introducing the theme - Food Shortage Food shortage or distribution problem?...
An Introduction to the U.S. Food System: Perspectives from Public Health
by Keeve Nachman, PhD, MHS , Robert S. Lawrence, MD , Pamela Rhubart Berg- 4.7
Approx. 24 hours to complete
A food system encompasses the activities, people and resources involved in getting food from field to plate. Food Production, the Ecosystem, Diet, and Public Health, Part 1 (Lawrence) Food Production, the Ecosystem, Diet, and Public Health, Part 2 (Lawrence) Food Production, the Ecosystem, Diet, and Public Health, Part 3 (Lawrence) Food System Sustainability and Resilience...
Circular Business Models for Sustainable Urban Food Systems
by Paola De Bernardi , Bodo Steiner , Simona Grande , Johanna Hyytiäinen- 0.0
Discover how circular business models transform urban food systems to tackle grand challenges through innovative solutions. Designing Circular Food Systems: Challenges and Opportunities Circular Food Systems: Tools and Measurement Urban and Local Food Policies Drivers and Barriers for Food Systems Circularity Best Practices of Circular Business Models in Urban Food Systems Engaging Food System Stakeholders Effectively...
Food Science and Nutrition: From the Farm to You
by Mathew Francis- 0.0
Follow food’s fascinating journey from the farm to your body and explore new food technologies and nutrition around the world. Where does your food come from? 3D printing: A food revolution? Food and you...
Transformation of the Global Food System
by Katherine Richardson- 4.8
Approx. 12 hours to complete
Providing so many people with nutritious foods is a massive challenge and one that cannot be met by simply upscaling current practices regarding food production and consumption. I truly believe that the global food system can be transformed to sustainably meet the needs of 9-10 billion people and, with this course, I dare you to join me!...
Antimicrobial Resistance in the Food Chain
by Robert Atterbury , Paul Barrow- 0.0
Explore how antibiotic use in farming contributes towards resistant bacteria in our food chain. Antibiotics in the food chain AMR and the Food Chain Past: History of AMR in the Food Chain...
Feeding the World
by David Galligan , James Ferguson- 4.7
Approx. 20 hours to complete
This course will explore the concepts driving current food production science (population growth, urbanization, emerging affluence, resource constraints, and underlying biological limits) with the main focus on livestock production. Each of the major food animal species (dairy, swine, beef, and poultry) will be covered in terms of their universal life cycles, constraints to production and emerging societal issues....
Public Health Perspectives on Sustainable Diets
by Roni Neff , Becky Ramsing , Brent Kim , Pamela Rhubart Berg- 4.8
Approx. 7 hours to complete
What we eat and how we produce that food have significant effects on human health and the sustainability of our planet. Wasted Food: Putting 40% of our Food Supply in the Landfill Food Resilience: No Regrets; Conclusions: Don’t Press Snooze! What is food system sustainability and resilience? How can we make our food system more sustainable?...