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Backlog Grooming for Agile Requirements
by NK Shrivastava- 0.0
1.5 hours on-demand video
Backlog grooming is a step-by-step process of taking high-level (“coarse-grained”) requirements and refining them to lower-level user stories and tasks (“fine-grained”) that are ready to put into a sprint. Explain how backlog grooming works. Start grooming backlogs on their projects right away....
Learn how to groom your dog at home!
by Karen Maitland- 4.7
4.5 hours on-demand video
You'll learn about health & safety for both you and the dog/s, and you'll watch practical demos of me grooming my Australian Labradoodle Watson. As well as grooming the coat, we'll learn how to cut nails, remove ear hair, and how to choose the best place to carry out each part of the grooming process....
Professionalism, Grooming and Etiquette
by Subrat Kumar Sundar Ray- 0.0
4 Weeks
Professionalism, Grooming and Etiquette Essentials of grooming...
CARE: Supporting Older Adult Personal Care & Independence - Part 2 of 2
by Susanne Guidetti , Anneliese Lilienthal , Laurie Owen , Eric Asaba- 0.0
5 Weeks
Assisting with Hygiene and Grooming...
Bash Shell scripting for admin and devops
by Shakil khan- 4.6
10 hours on-demand video
Bash Shell scripting is a very detailed approach to make a student familiar with the concept of Bash programming and also grooming the student in various field in terms of commands, analysis, debugging with the help of Live examples and hands on....
Learn Self Makeup & Party Makeup On Indian Skin By Wise She
by Anamika Sureka Malik- 4.6
1.5 hours on-demand video
Learn Self Makeup & Party Makeup On Indian Skin Anamika By taking this self-makeup course, you will be able to learn the simple and basic etiquettes of self-grooming that can be performed at the comfort of your home whenever you have to step out to steal the show....
Grooming and Designing the Perfect Eyebrows
by Fatima Khan- 3.2
31 mins on-demand video
Become a brow master and have a confidence to design a perfect brow. Welcome to the course on ''Grooming and Designing the Perfect Eyebrows'' Eyebrows can be tricky to groom. Whether you're a woman or a man, you can groom and shape your eyebrows to be cleaner. Grab those tweezers. ...
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Agile Reporting - Beginner To Rock Star
by Luke Angel- 4.4
1 hour on-demand video
How to be transparentCommunication TechinquesProduct Backlog ManagmentBacklog Grooming TechniquesTaskboard ManagementSprint Burndown Report ManagementRelease Burndown Report ManagementRetrofitting and Working With Distributed TeamsHow to Manage Scope Creep...
How To Raise Miniature Horses
by HowExpert- 0.0
2 hours on-demand video
Your Step By Step Guide To Raising Miniature Horses If you want to learn how to raise miniature horses, then get "How To Raise Miniature Horses" written by a person who has real life experience growing up raising miniature horses. This is a guide on How To Raise Miniature Horses....
BDD Automation : Behave with Python
by Testing World Infotech- 3.3
3.5 hours on-demand video
Its a continuous grooming course which will give you in depth knowledge of theory as well as practical concepts...