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Introduction to the Internet of Things and Embedded Systems
by Ian Harris- 4.7
Approx. 12 hours to complete
The explosive growth of the “Internet of Things” is changing our world and the rapid drop in price for typical IoT components is allowing people to innovate new designs and products at home. State the technological trends which have led to IoT Name the core hardware components most commonly used in IoT devices...
IoT Networks and Protocols
by Iain Murray AM , Nazanin Mohammadi , Siavash Khaksar- 0.0
5 Weeks
Learn about IoT networks and the protocols and standards associated with the Internet and how these apply to the IoT. In this course we will focus on how the IoT works. You’ll also learn how to evaluate different infrastructure components and network systems, and how to go about designing a basic network for your own IoT ideas....
Introduction to the Internet of Things (IoT)
by Iain Murray AM , Siavash Khaksar- 0.0
6 Weeks
Gain an understanding of what the IoT is and the requirements to design your own IoT solutions. Start developing IoT ideas in your industry. We will look at the ‘things’ that make up the Internet of Things, including how those components are connected together, how they communicate, and how they value add to the data generated....
Architecting Smart IoT Devices
by Martin Timmerman , Maarten Weyn- 4.3
Approx. 34 hours to complete
In order to reduce the time to market, many pre-made hardware and software components are available today. Welcome to Architecting Smart IoT Devices Software Components IoT Components Sensor Networks for IoT IoT today and tomorrow IoT and big data (in the cloud) Software Components IoT Components Silicon vendor OS for IoT...
Getting Started with Windows 10 IoT Core Development
by Dr. Florian Müller- 4
2.5 hours on-demand video
A Kickstart for the Windows 10 IoT Core Beginner Since Windows 10 IoT Core is targeted to embedded devices, part of the course makes use of some electronic components and circuitry. To learn the basics about Windows 10 IoT Core application development it is not absolutely necessary to have these components at hand....
IoT Systems and Industrial Applications with Design Thinking
by David Atienza , Bettina Buechel , Amir Aminifar- 0.0
7 Weeks
The first MOOC to provide a comprehensive introduction to Internet of Things (IoT) including the fundamental business aspects needed to define IoT related products. Do you want to learn about IoT fundamentals? IoT Description of typical IoT components and IoT businesses Security requirements and techniques in IoT systems. in the context of IoT...
Embedded Systems Essentials with Arm: Getting Started
by Khaled Benkrid , Shuojin Hang , Mark Allen , Tim Wilmshurst- 0.0
6 Weeks
In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of an embedded system and discover why the Arm architecture and processors are particularly well suited for IoT applications. The possibilities for future IoT development and connection are enormous. Understand applications of embedded systems and how a modern API can help accelerate IoT deployment....
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Digital Ecosystem Infrastructure
by Alan Dennis , Bipin Prabhakar , Tom Gregory- 0.0
12 Weeks
In this course, you will explore components of network architecture, virtualization, cloud computing models, deployment on the cloud, and the Internet of Things (IoT)....
Arduino Programming for Absolute Beginners
by Sujithkumar MA- 0.0
4.5 hours on-demand video
Learn about the hardware components of Arduino UNO and how to program it using C/C++ Explain all the core hardware components of Arduino UNO and their working. Know how to design circuits using Arduino and other electronic components Arduino is one of the devices with computational intelligence and it is used as an IOT (Internet of things) device nowadays....
AI-100 & DP 100 practice Test: Real Exam Questions
May include but is not limited to: Identify the appropriate storage capacity, storage types and storage locations for a solution, determine the storage technologies that the solution should use, identify the appropriate storage architecture for the solution, identify components and technologies required to connect data Integrate AI services with solution components...