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Etsy Shop Success Strategies For DIY Artists
by David Miller- 0.0
33 mins on-demand video
Ways To Grow Your Etsy Customer Base Successfully running a creative business from your home or mobile phone is a goal for many DIY independent makers, and Etsy is the largest platform dedicated to that goal. See you in class!...
Social Innovation in Rural Areas
by Antonio Lopez-Francos , Todora Rogelja , Laura Secco , Elena Pisani , Riccardo Da Re , Kamini Vicentini , David Miller , Valentino Marini govigli , Bill Slee , Marijke Dijkshoorn-Dekker , Robert Lukesch , Rosalind Bryce , Alice Ludvig , ELENA GORRIZ , Diana Valero , Lucía López Marco- 0.0
Explore applications of social innovation in rural areas and discover best practices for managing social innovation projects. What topics will you cover?...
Quantum Mechanics for Scientists and Engineers 2
by David Miller- 0.0
9 Weeks
This course covers key topics in the use of quantum mechanics in many modern applications in science and technology, introduces core advanced concepts such as spin, identical particles, the quantum mechanics of light, the basics of quantum information, and the interpretation of quantum mechanics, and covers the major ways in which quantum mechanics is written and used in modern practice....
Quantum Mechanics for Scientists and Engineers 1
by David Miller- 0.0
9 Weeks
This 9 week course aims to teach quantum mechanics to anyone with a reasonable college-level understanding of physical science or engineering. Quantum mechanics was once mostly of interest to physicists, chemists and other basic scientists. This course is a substantial introduction to quantum mechanics Quantum mechanics was once mostly of interest to physicists, chemists and other basic scientists....
Cartooning Basics
by David Miller- 4.6
1 hour on-demand video
A Beginner's Guide to Creating Comics Art + Characters Welcome to my course on cartooning basics! In this class we generate characters, create a six panel comic strip, and work on a 4 page story on professional comic paper. We'll cover tools and materials designing page and panel layouts to maximize storytelling...
Learn Expressive Drawing Techniques
by David Miller- 3.9
33 mins on-demand video
Add Layered Media, Emotive Lines and Mark Making To Your Drawing One of the greatest struggles beginning artists have is developing a drawing style that feels natural to them. Through this expressive build-up method, we use a variety of drawing media and methods to find a common ground that could be your natural style....
Marker Drawing Techniques For Beginners
by David Miller- 4.1
37 mins on-demand video
Improve Your Art With The Potential of Markers Working with markers in our illustrations adds a strong punch of color to every page. There are a lot of special methods and tools for getting unique flavors to our marker artworks beyond the normal "stroke"and "fill" methods of drawing....
Create Artistic Portrait Photography
by David Miller- 3.4
1 hour on-demand video
Capturing The Face With Your Photographic Vision When you have a compliant subject in a creative portrait photography shoot, the only limits are your imagination and budget. In this class we focus on the concepts behind unique portrait photography by looking at the work of dozens of world class photographers past and present....
Advanced Photographic Composition Techniques
by David Miller- 4
39 mins on-demand video
Skills For Keeping Your Photography Fresh Photographic composition techniques often list the same set of standard rules about filling the space of a frame to get your viewers’ eyes to move around and understand the story. In this course, we move beyond these standard composition tropes to make more challenging and fresh work that stands out....
Clean Up Your Voice In Adobe Audition And Premiere
by David Miller- 3.3
33 mins on-demand video
Voiceover Editing For Video It is often said that audiences can forgive less-than-perfect video, but if the sound is bad and the dialogue unintelligible, they will turn away in droves. Thankfully Adobe has a number of tools that allow us to edit, mix and enhance our voice productions, so we can fix the flaws in our narration, voice over, and singing....