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Learn Python and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Coding Tools
by Srinidhi Ranganathan- 3.3
1 hour on-demand video
Program Faster In Python And Other Languages Without Code with Artificial Intelligence Programming Tools in 2021 You will also learn the comparative parameters of python with other programming languages, in the world - with a highlight on popularity and frameworks of Python....
The Complete Regular Expressions(Regex) Course For Beginners
by Sujith George- 4.7
3.5 hours on-demand video
Regular Expressions (Regex) for Java,Linux,JavaScript,Python or other languages, with 30 illustrated exercises/examples....
Sign Language Structure, Learning, and Change
by Ted Supalla- 0.0
4 Weeks
Recent research on historical change in ASL and other sign languages has begun to reveal how sign languages come into existence and how they change as they are used over generations among deaf and hearing users. Degree and types of structural variation within ASL, considering the possible influences from its contacts with other signed and spoken languages...
The Complete Regular Expressions Universe (Master Course)
by Sandeep Kumar- 4.2
5.5 hours on-demand video
Master Regular Expressions (Regex/RegexP) for Python, PHP, Perl, JavaScript, Java, HTML, Ruby, Golang & other languages...
Design of Computer Programs
by Peter Norvig- 0.0
Approx. 2 months
lesson 3 Regular Expressions, other languages and interpreters Defining the language of regular expressions and Interpreting the language. Defining the set of strings matched by a regular expression Other languages....
C Programming For Beginners - Master the C Language
by Tim Buchalka's Learn Programming Academy- 4.4
24 hours on-demand video
Become a better dev in other languages by learning C. Maybe you have some experience with other programming languages, but want to learn C. C is often considered to be the mother of all languages because so many other languages have been based on it. Though C is simple it is one of the most powerful languages ever created....
Python in High Performance Computing
by Martti Louhivuori , Jussi Enkovaara- 0.0
Performance challenges of Python programming languagePerformance analysis of Python programsEfficient numerical calculations with NumPyUsing compiled code with PythonInterfacing Python to libraries written in other programming languagesParallel programming with Python...
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Tools for Data Science
by Aije Egwaikhide , Svetlana Levitan , Romeo Kienzler- 4.5
Approx. 17 hours to complete
You will learn about what each tool is used for, what programming languages they can execute, their features and limitations. Languages of Data Science Other Languages Practice Quiz - Languages Other IBM Tools for Data Science Practice Quiz - Other IBM Tools...
Programming for Data Science
by Katrina Falkner , Claudia Szabo , Nick Falkner- 0.0
10 Weeks
Equip you to study computer science or other programming languages...
Programming for Data Science
by Katrina Falkner , Claudia Szabo , Nick Falkner- 0.0
10 Weeks
Equip you to study computer science or other programming languages...