Search result for Medical billing and coding free Online Courses & Certifications
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Learning the business side of medicine
- 0.0
Learn how to document and bill effectively for medical services and improve physician quality metrics Medical documentation – This section covers how medical encounters should be documented so that they comply with the strict guidelines outlined by Medicare and how improved documentation is related to increased compensation and quality. Conflict of interest and disclosures....
Medical Terminology 101
by Emma Nichols, PhD- 4.4
2.5 hours on-demand video
In this course, we discuss the what, why, and how of medical terminology; we cover the bones, the muscles, the skin, the digestive system, the urinary system, the reproductive system, the heart and circulatory system, the respiratory system, the brain and nervous system, and the eye and the ear. medical billing and coding...
Medical Coding: ICD-10-CM Essentials
by Victoria Moll- 4.4
2.5 hours on-demand video
Easy, effective, and engaging education on ICD-10-CM Medical Diagnosis Coding. This course will discuss the basics of ICD-10-CM coding as well as provide a chapter-by-chapter look at codes and guidelines. This course is an "essentials" course and is not intended to be utilized as preparation for any medical coding certification examinations....
Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Innovations
by Stephen T Parente- 4.4
Approx. 13 hours to complete
Included is an understanding of the strategy deployed for pricing drugs and new technologies as well as the market sizing exercise to identify where future research and development investments should be made. 3 Medical Device and Pharma Convergence 3 Medical Device Reimbursement Outside U. Medical Device Innovation Medical Device Regulatory Medical Device Bench Science to Bedside...
Medical WordPress Website for Hospitals, Clinics & Doctors
by Shashank WordPress Dev- 5
3.5 hours on-demand video
Create website for Dentist, Clinic, Pediatrician, Medical Laboratory, Ophthalmologist, Pharmacy, Medicine, Geriatrician, Do you want to create a Medical website with Wordpress If yes, then you are in the right place. Design a professional medical website with FREE professional theme from me ( 59$ ) Installing the theme and importing demo data of your medical category...
Machine Learning and AI: Support Vector Machines in Python
by Lazy Programmer Inc.- 4.6
9 hours on-demand video
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Algorithms in Python for Classification and Regression Polynomial Kernels, Gaussian Kernels, Sigmoid Kernels, and String Kernels Medical diagnosis Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you in class! Check out the lecture "Machine Learning and AI Prerequisite Roadmap" (available in the FAQ of any of my courses, including the free Numpy course)...
Complete C# Unity Game Developer 3D
by Ben Tristem- 4.7
30.5 hours on-demand video
Unity is an incredible 3D package used for making video games, architectural and medical imaging and more. The challenge is that it's big and complicated to use, especially for complete beginners to coding and game development. Get plugged into our communities of amazing developers on Facebook (nearly 20k), in our own Teaching Assistant-curated Community, and our student Discord chat channel....
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Ensemble Machine Learning in Python: Random Forest, AdaBoost
by Lazy Programmer Team- 4.6
5.5 hours on-demand video
Ensemble Methods: Boosting, Bagging, Boostrap, and Statistical Machine Learning for Data Science in Python Machine learning has led to some amazing results, like being able to analyze medical images and predict diseases on-par with human experts. Check out the lecture "Machine Learning and AI Prerequisite Roadmap" (available in the FAQ of any of my courses, including the free Numpy course)...
Artificial Intelligence Expert Certification (2021 Edition)
by Srinidhi Ranganathan- 3.9
16 hours on-demand video
Python and Coding tools - Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help to automate writing lakhs of lines of code in python and even Java or PHP in minutes without the need for a human coder or even someone who will debug the code. Most of the tools will be free and also paid alternatives will be covered....
Data Science: Supervised Machine Learning in Python
by Lazy Programmer Team- 4.8
6.5 hours on-demand video
Full Guide to Implementing Classic Machine Learning Algorithms in Python and with Scikit-Learn Machine learning has led to some amazing results, like being able to analyze medical images and predict diseases on-par with human experts. Check out the lecture "Machine Learning and AI Prerequisite Roadmap" (available in the FAQ of any of my courses, including the free Numpy course)...