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Art and Design in the Digital Age
by Lee Weinberg- 0.0
12 Weeks
Explore and discover how art changes technology and how technology changes art We tend to think of art and technology as two separate, almost opposite things. Provide a comprehensive review of the history and theory of art as it is seen in the digital age, informing them of the reciprocal relationship between art, design and technology...
Smart Device & Mobile Emerging Technologies
by Jong-Moon Chung- 4.7
Approx. 32 hours to complete
Your smartphone wakes you up, it is the first thing you use in the morning, and the last thing you check (e. In this course, the start-of-the-art smartphone and smart watch technology and components in addition to the global market trends and future forecasts are introduced. In addition, the core technology and components of the world’s most popular smartphones (i....
Arts and Heritage Management
by Andrea Rurale- 4.7
Approx. 16 hours to complete
If you love art and want to make an impact in this unique and fantastic sector, this course will support you in understanding the peculiarities of this sector and how to leverage on its tools to make a bigger impact. 4A FAI Contemporary Art and Collection | Villa Litta Panza - Anna Bernardini, Director...
General Academic English
by Fang Yang , Wenxia Zhang- 4.2
Approx. 9 hours to complete
Do you want to read and write better in English? Topic and Text Man and Nature Topic and Text Topic and Text 1 Engineering and Technology Topic and Text 1 Topic and Text 2 Economics and Management Topic and Text 1 Topic and Text 2 Vocabulary and Structure 1 Vocabulary and Structure 2...
Instructional Methods in Health Professions Education
by Caren Stalburg, MD, MA- 4.7
Approx. 21 hours to complete
This course provides those involved in educating members of the health professions an asynchronous, interdisciplinary, and interactive way to obtain, expand, and improve their teaching skills. reference books, and crowd-sourced recommendations. 01 - Learning Styles and Motivation 01 - Motivation and Learning Unit 3 - Instructional Design and Individual Assessment READ: Instructional Techniques: Teaching with Technology (Unit 07)...
The Art of Music Production
by Stephen Webber- 4.8
Approx. 14 hours to complete
Explore the art of record production and how to make recordings that other people will love listening to. As you learn about the art of record production in this 4-week course, you will also learn about yourself and who you are as an artist and producer. Application of Technology to Art...
AR (Augmented Reality) & Video Streaming Services Emerging Technologies
by Jong-Moon Chung- 4.6
Approx. 11 hours to complete
” The level of AR (Augmented Reality) and advanced video & multimedia technology included in a product is what determines the level of value and luxury. The objective of this course is to teach all important technologies that are used in state-of-the-art AR, Skype, and YouTube video and multimedia products and services....
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IoT (Internet of Things) Wireless & Cloud Computing Emerging Technologies
by Jong-Moon Chung- 4.7
Approx. 13 hours to complete
Also, almost everything is already connected to a Cloud, and much more will be in the future. This course ends with projects that teach how to analyze Bluetooth and W-Fi wireless networks and setup and use an EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) Virtual Computer in AWS (Amazon Web Service), which is the most powerful and popular Cloud technology in the world....
Artful Medicine: Art’s Power to Enrich Patient Care
by Fred J. Schiffman- 0.0
3 Weeks
Discover how the medical community harnesses the power of art and empathy to improve patient care. What impact can art and the humanities have on patient care? Explore elements of professionalism and humanism, why they are critical to patient care, and how they are threatened by technology that increasingly distances caregivers from patients;...
Art History Renaissance to 20th Century
by Kenney Mencher- 4.5
47.5 hours on-demand video
A basic level survey of painting, sculpture, and architecture. Each work is covered in depth, the works physical or formal properties are discussed such as technology used to create the work, color, medium, materials, composition, and shading. The symbolism of each work is discussed and how to interpret the interrelationship of symbols in a work of art....