Search result for Master of social work with a concentration in social justice and diversity Online Courses & Certifications
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Social Work Practice: Advocating Social Justice and Change
by Barbara Hiltz- 4.8
Approx. 12 hours to complete
Learners will have an opportunity to explore the social work profession, the different roles of social workers in a range of settings, the cross cutting themes that guide social work practice, the history of social work, and current challenges. Exploring the Early History of Social Work in the US: A Brief Overview...
Social Pedagogy across Europe
by Sylvia Holthoff , Lindy Simpson , Gabriel Eichsteller , Lowis Charfe , Ali Gardner , Jörg Schlüter , Colin Paterson , Heike Schädler , Brigitte Paterson , Charlotte Firing , Martin Sørensen , Dana Knotová , Vladimíra Kyjánková , Xavier Úcar , Laura Arnau , Paloma Valdivia Vizarreta , Àngela Janer , Héctor Núñez , Laura Corbella , Lieve Bradt , Rudi Roose- 4.5
Approx. 20 hours to complete
Ensure you are familiar with the most fundamental aspects of social pedagogical practice in ways that are applicable in your own personal and professional life. You will gain a panoramic overview of social pedagogy, which explores the principles and key thematic areas in ways that are practice-relevant and can be easily applied in any educational and care setting....
Music and Social Action
by Sebastian Ruth- 4.7
Approx. 26 hours to complete
At a time of crisis for the classical music profession, with a changing commercial landscape, a shrinking audience base, and a contraction in the number of professional orchestras, how does a young musician construct a career today? (Optional) A people's art history of the United States: 250 years of activist art and artists working in social justice movements...
Designing and Building Institutional Anti-Racist Spaces
by Jonathan Andrew Perez- 0.0
Approx. 23 hours to complete
Designing and Building Institutional Antiracist Spaces (D-BIAS) is a course whose mission is to teach and apply tenets of equity, anti-racism, and cultural justice to students from Institutions to achieve social change. Quiz on Narratives and lower-case "n" narratives of institutions Build Your Own Justice Lab Step 2: Identify a Diverse and Multi-Perspective Group of Constituents for Your Workshop...
The Arts and Science of Relationships: Understanding Human Needs
by A. Ka Tat Tsang- 4.5
Approx. 32 hours to complete
Basic concepts of The Strategies and Skills Learning and Development System (SSLD), their relevance for every day relationships and provide advanced concepts for participants who work in fields of social work and health care . Your Social Scripts and Relationships 1 Social Exchange Theory and Beyond Driving factors of Power in a Relationship...
Ally Up: Using allyship to advance diversity & inclusion
by Victoria Mattingly- 4.5
2 hours on-demand video
a minority group member struggling with how to best engage allies to promote equity and social justice? Allyship is a relationship between an ally and their partner, working together toward the shared goal of fairness, equity, and social justice. And in section 6 you'll receive a quick summary of what was covered and encouragement to continue this work moving forward...
Essentials of Formal Business Communication
by V.O Edu.- 4
4.5 hours on-demand video
Tact and diplomacy, Tour of the company, language review in this concern. Essential Skill of #BusinessCommunication, A one single course solving all challenges to master #communicationskills, #emailwriting, #publicspeaking, #storytelling, #EffectivePresentationsskills, #StartupPresentation, How do Professionals Communicate, #TelephoneTechnique (Telecommuting), Advanced #MeetingSkill, #ReportWriting, Socialising at Work, #bodylanguage, #meetingmanagement, Trust, Narrative and Social Media Details....
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Modern & Contemporary American Poetry (“ModPo”)
by Al Filreis- 4.9
Approx. 80 hours to complete
You will get an overview of the course and will meet the brilliant TAs, who will be encountering the poems with you all the way to the end. read Pound's "In a Station of the Metro" as it appeared in Poetry magazine read Marjorie Perloff's comment on Stein and in particular on "A Carafe, That Is a Blind Glass"...
Practice Bold Allyship and End Racism in the Workplace
by Netta Jenkins- 0.0
2 hours on-demand video
Netta founded Holistic Inclusion Consulting LLC; and offers diversity sessions to companies with a focus on anti-racism, product inclusion, and systemic bias globally. We all experienced a defining moment, while locked in isolation and social distancing. “Microaggressions” Session: This session helps people detect microaggressions and equips them with the tools to disarm this discriminative act in a tactful way....
The Power of Machine Learning: Boost Business, Accumulate Clicks, Fight Fraud, and Deny Deadbeats
by Eric Siegel- 4.8
Approx. 14 hours to complete
– AI ethics: social justice concerns, such as when predictive models blatantly discriminate by protected class The contents and learning objectives apply, regardless of which machine learning software tools you end up choosing to work with. Ethics overview: five ways ML threatens social justice Ethics overview: five ways ML threatens social justice...