Search result for Chemical kinetics lab Online Courses & Certifications
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Introduction to Physical Chemistry
by Patrick J O'Malley, D.Sc , Michael W. Anderson, FRSC , Jonathan Agger, MRSC- 4.7
Approx. 19 hours to complete
Chemical Kinetics I Introduction to Chemical Kinetics I Chemical Kinetics I Overview Chemical Kinetics I - Practice Quiz Chemical Kinetics II Chemical Kinetics II Introduction Chemical Kinetics Recap Chemical Kinetics II Overview Chemical Kinetics II - Practice Quiz Chemical Kinetics Assessment Virtual Lab 2: Kinetics Kinetics Lab Overview Kinetics Virtual Lab...
Chemical Biology
by Robbie Loewith , Marcus J. C. Long- 4.8
Approx. 21 hours to complete
Chemical biology is a burgeoning field that has rapidly risen to prominence. This surge of interest has been fuelled by chemical biology’s applicability to understanding critical processes in live cells or model organisms in real time. Welcome to Chemical Biology: Concepts and techniques Kinetics of chemical reactions In the lab - split and mix approach in a nutshell...