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大數據分析:商業應用與策略管理 (Big Data Analytics: Business Applications and Strategic Decisions)
by 魏志平 , 李正國 , 楊立偉 , 陳建錦- 4.7
Approx. 18 hours to complete
本課程是為非資料科學專業者設計的大數據領域入門課程,偏商管應用,非資訊技術教學。透過修習本課程,學員將能對資料科學商管領域的範疇與分類建立基本的觀念,並且瞭解其在商管領域的各種應用。在學的學生可藉此為職涯做準備,在職的社會人士則可拓展自己對資料科學的想像,進一步思考在自身工作場域應用資料科學的可能性。 本課程共計六週,第一週為學界與業界對談,透過直播企劃呈現大數據應用的議題,作為課程的開端,二到五週由臺灣大學教授進行授課,分別就金融、行銷、社群媒體、輿情分析、行銷智慧等議題,介紹大數據在領域的應用,課程以闡述應用為主,但不會花很多時間在演算法的技術細節。第六週則由玉山金控李正國數位金融長主講,帶入玉山金控積極應用大數據於銀行業的策略,產學合作課程確實結合學界與業界的專家,就資料科學的商管應用做不同面向的介紹。 課程設計中安排一位主持人的課前提問、單元介紹引言、延伸提問等等,引導學生學習與思考,各週授課教師與課程主題概述如下: 第一週:臺灣大學資訊管理學系魏志平教授、玉山金控李正國數位金融長 -- 課程簡介、與大數據的午餐約會直播活動 第二週:臺灣大學工商管理學系與資訊管理學系合聘楊立偉教授 -- 資料分析在金融及財務上的應用 第三週:臺灣大學工商管理學系與資訊管理學系合聘楊立偉教授 -- 資料分析在零售及行銷上的應用 第四週:臺灣大學資訊管理學系陳建錦教授 -- 社群媒體之輿情分析 第五週:臺灣大學資訊管理學系魏志平教授 -- 社群媒體分析與行銷智慧 第六週:玉山金控李正國數位金融長 -- 大數據的商業應用策略 課程簡介 1-0-1 課程引言人學習引導 1-1-1 課程總覽介紹(魏志平教授講述) 1-2-1 課程與教師介紹 1-2-2 想到大數據,你會想到什麼? 1-2-3 為什麼需要大數據?大數據生活中的應用、大數據比你更瞭解你自己 1-2-4 產學之間真的有落差嗎? 1-2-5 直播提問解答 NTU MOOC 課程問題詢問與回報機制 學習指引 課程教師與製課團隊介紹 課程學習目標 參考書目:<1小時就能看懂 圖解大數據:巨大數據湧出金流!> 參考書目:<數據、謊言與真相> 數據分析在金融及財務上的應用 2-0-1 第二週課程引言人開場與課前提問 2-1-1 簡介金融服務之功能 2-1-2 金融業者擁有的資料庫種類...
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Learn online and earn valuable credentials from top universities like Yale, Michigan, Stanford, and leading companies like Google and IBM. Join Coursera for free and transform your career with degrees, certificates, Specializations, & MOOCs in data science, computer science, business, and dozens of other topics....
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course: [noun] the act or action of moving in a path from point to point....
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Free Online Courses. Our free online courses provide you with an affordable and flexible way to learn new skills and study new and emerging topics. Learn from Stanford instructors and industry experts at no cost to you....
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Udemy is an online learning and teaching marketplace with over 185,000 courses and 49 million students. Learn programming, marketing, data science and more....
Courses » Academics | Boston University
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Courses. The listing of a course description here does not guarantee a course’s being offered in a particular semester. Please refer to the published schedule of classes on the Student Link for confirmation a class is actually being taught and for specific course meeting dates and times....
Courses | Learn WordPress
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These courses will help you find your feet in the project and help you get involved in the mission to democratize publishing. Polyglots Contributor Training. Translation is a great way to contribute to WordPress if you understand English and another language....
Courses - Colorado Motorcycle Academy
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Our basic courses are for those who have never ridden a motorcycle before, have less than approximately 40 total hours of riding, or haven’t seen the seat in a while and want a refresher. These courses are perfect for beginners to learn how to be safe on the road while riding....
Golf Longmont | City of Longmont, Colorado
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Adult and youth instruction is available at our municipal courses and through the Recreation Services department. City of Longmont Recreation Services has two summer golf camps, and drop-in group lessons are available at Twin Peaks and Ute Creek. For more information about instructional offerings, call Ute Creek's Tray Shehee (303-875-5050) or ....
Golf Longmont - Longmont, CO
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Celebrating 100 Years of Sunset Golf Council approves course in 1922, originally called the Longmont Golf Club. Sunset Golf Course is celebrating its 100th birthday with a free “Par Tee” at the clubhouse from 5-8 pm on Thursday, Aug. 18. Commemorative 100 Year Anniversary merchandise is now on sale in the pro shop at 1900 Longs Peak Ave....