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Actualize Academy - Advanced Personal Development Success
- 4.6
The Psychology Of Self Awareness. Within every OS there are a set of programs installed. These programs control how we use the OS and the computer. So when you think of your best self, what "programs" or beliefs would you need to have success?...
Health Behavior Change: From Evidence to Action
by Marney White- 4.8
Approx. 15 hours to complete
Utilize best practices from clinical psychology and public health to make informed health decisions and to optimize health behaviors....
Weight Loss & Hypnosis - Practical Guide
by E.M. Mercado- 4.7
4 hours on-demand video
The best way to lose weight is to target the psychology. This program aims at targeting your psychology of eating, so that you can lose weight and still enjoy eating food. You can also explore my other programs on udemy....
Confronting Gender Based Violence: Global Lessons for Healthcare Workers
by Michele Decker, ScD, MPH- 4.8
Approx. 22 hours to complete
This course introduces participants from the healthcare sector to gender based violence (GBV), including global epidemiology of GBV; health outcomes; seminal research; and clinical best practices for GBV prevention, support, and management. A core curriculum is supplemented by lectures that contextualize the content with specific examples and programs from around the world....
Life Purpose Coach Sales Presentation Blueprint
by Joeel & Natalie Rivera- 4.7
2 hours on-demand video
The best way to let your potential coaching clients get to know you is to meet them in person and show them who you are and what you can do for them. The best way we have found to do this is to offer an INTRODUCTORY program related to your coaching topic....
Happiness Life Coach Sales Presentation Blueprint
by Joeel & Natalie Rivera- 4.8
2 hours on-demand video
The best way to let your potential coaching clients get to know The best way we have found to do this is to offer an INTRODUCTORY program And the best part is, you can present your coaching services without sounding (or, more importantly, feeling) "salesy"!...
Mindfulness Parenting Practitioner Certificate | Accredited
by Braco Pobric- 4.5
1 hour on-demand video
Receive Accredited Certificate in Positive Psychology and Happy Children For additional knowledge and tools on Positive Psychology and Habits please check my other programs. For additional knowledge and tools on Positive Psychology please check my other programs....
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Get Life Coaching Clients with Workshops and Public Speaking
by Joeel & Natalie Rivera- 4.5
3 hours on-demand video
The best way to let your potential clients get to know you is to meet them in person (or online) and show them what you can do for them. The best way we have found to do this is to offer an INTRODUCTORY program related to your larger program, product, service or life coaching topic....
7. Positive Psychology Practitioner Certificate [Level 1]
by Braco Pobric- 4.6
7.5 hours on-demand video
AND One of the Nine Prerequisites Required for Positive Psychology Master Coach This course is also a part of the PPMC Program - Positive Psychology Master Coach Diploma offered exclusively for Udemy Students by Life Success Academy. For additional knowledge and tools on Positive Psychology and Habits please check my other programs. Understand and learn the Psychology and Research Behind Happiness...
Time Management, Prioritization and Productivity
by Joeel & Natalie Rivera- 4.2
1 hour on-demand video
The truth is, with so many responsibilities it can be challenging to make the best use of your time without intentionally implementing time management strategies. Your time is limited and the best gift you can give yourself is to learn time management and productivity strategies that can help you thrive while providing the freedom that you desire....