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Social Distancing in Schools
by Dr. Dheeraj Mehrotra- 3.3
1 hour on-demand video
Social Distancing: A priority! Social Distancing: A priority! The course covers priority measures on ground of maintaining the social distancing in schools after the schools open in some time now....
Catering to COVID Times Boldly as a Learner
by Dr. Dheeraj Mehrotra- 4.2
1 hour on-demand video
The module exhibits strategies towards coping with the Post COVID-19 times and getting ready to be normal in the new normal by executing the task of living with the covid through measures and support system of self care and social distancing with positive motivation and at ease and comfort....
Mind Control: Managing Your Mental Health During COVID-19
by Steve Joordens- 4.8
Approx. 3 hours to complete
3 How We Think About Physical Distancing and Explaining it to Our Children 3 The Importance of Social Connection in a Physical Distancing World The Importance of Social Relations...
Fighting COVID-19 with Epidemiology: A Johns Hopkins Teach-Out
by Gypsyamber D'Souza, PhD, MS, MPH , Justin Lessler, PhD, MS , Emily Gurley, PhD, MPH- 4.6
Approx. 4 hours to complete
In addition to a basic understanding of these essential tools, this Teach-Out provides a way for you to learn and connect with one another while continuing to practice the social distancing measures that will help keep us safe. How Social Distancing Works...
Re-Imagine Work: Strategies During COVID-19 and Beyond
by Dr. Patrick Parra Pennefather- 0.0
1 Weeks
As a result of COVID-19 , millions of us are adapting to working from home, may have lost our jobs, or are looking for ways to reinvent our work to meet social distancing requirements....
Physics of COVID-19 Transmission
by Martin Bazant , Joey Gu- 0.0
6 Weeks
Official safety guidelines have emphasized surface disinfection and strict social distancing, despite growing scientific evidence for respiratory aerosol transmission, extending well beyond these arbitrary distances....
Energy Clearing During High Stress Times
by MaryAnn Walker- 0.0
1.5 hours on-demand video
During this time of COVID-19 and social distancing it is easy to feel afraid....
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Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (A Complete Guide 2020)
by Taabish Khalani- 4.4
1.5 hours on-demand video
Also we will study what is Social distancing, Quarantine and how to do it? How to practice physical distancing correctly?...
COVID-19 in Slums & Informal Settlements: Guidelines & Responses
by Ceasar McDowell , Karenna Groff , Daniela Beltrame , Amelia Seabold- 0.0
4 Weeks
Without a reliable source of income, adequate housing, water, or sanitation infrastructure, it is virtually impossible for guidelines such as social isolation, social distancing, and frequent hand washing to be implemented....
Manage anxiety while in isolation
- 0.0
This could be through personal choice, government lockdowns or rules about social distancing depending on where you are in the world....