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Full Stack Web Developer
by Amy Hua , Caryn McCarthy , Gabriel Ruttner , Kennedy Behrman- 0.0
4 Months
Udacity built this Nanodegree program with input from leaders in the software industry to provide world-class Full Stack Web Development instruction that features code reviews and mentorship support throughout the program. Learn to design and develop powerful modern web applications that form the foundation for the apps, websites, and systems that people and businesses use every day....
Intermediate JavaScript
by Alyssa Hope , Rachel Manning , Andrew Wong , Richard Kalehoff- 0.0
3 months
Be equipped for advanced roles in web development, server-side application development, and desktop development. The goal of the Intermediate JavaScript Nanodegree program is to prepare students for roles in web development, server-side application development, and desktop development that require a more advanced set of JavaScript skills. Be equipped for advanced roles in web development, server-side application development, and desktop development....
Teaching for Success: Lessons and Teaching
by suzanne mordue- 0.0
Look at lessons, courses and resources with this continuing professional development course for English language teachers. Planning lessons and courses Taking responsibility for professional development Your professional development...
Practical Web Development: 22 Courses in 1
by Creative Online School- 4.3
11.5 hours on-demand video
"Very insightful information that other courses do not necessarily go over" -- Andrew Austin It's very useful where 22 courses at one place. Web development is an amazing career path now a days. Hope this course will be used as a helping hand for your prospective career. Please dig on free preview videos for more information....
Front End Web Developer
by Daniel Silber-Baker , Rachel Manning , Alyssa Hope , Richard Kalehoff- 0.0
4 Months
Demand for front end web developers is widespread across every industry, and continues to rise. By mastering the valuable skills taught in this program, you will be prepared for roles at a wide array of companies — from startups to global organizations. Specific roles include: Front End Web Developer/Engineer UI/UX Developer Front End Designer...
Decentralized Applications (Dapps)
by Bina Ramamurthy- 4.6
Approx. 18 hours to complete
You will use Truffle IDE, smart contracts, a simple web client and a MetaMask client. The course covers the basic design of a Dapp, Truffle development process and commands (init, develop, test and migrate), test-driven development of Dapp, Dapp application models and emerging standards that are essential for predictable Dapp behavior....
Oracle Cloud Services and Spring Batch:2 Course Bundle
by Black Hills- 3.6
2.5 hours on-demand video
Two great courses for Java and Web developers. Do you want to develop or migrate your existing web applications to run in the cloud? You'll also learn to deploy, monitor, and scale your applications instantly from the Web UI. - Spring Batch Framework for beginners...
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Complete Responsive Web Development: 4 courses in 1
by Creative Online School- 4.4
6 hours on-demand video
Master yourself in HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, jQuery and responsive web development "It was a brilliant course to learn web development in the shortest way possible. By completion this course, you will be able to read and write front end web development code using HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap & jQuery. Please dig on free preview videos for more information....
The Ultimate FrontEnd Web Development - 8+ Courses Included
by Adil Ahmed- 4.4
41.5 hours on-demand video
Are you searching for a 1-Stop Course , where you can Learn The ultimate FrontEnd Web Development from Scratch to Master Level , where you can Learn Designing modern looking Real world Responsive website design and development, Creative Effects , Animation Effects , Seo Optimized Designed for every Designer Complete FrontEnd Website Development...
Introduction to Virtual Reality
by Matt Sonic , Vasanth Mohan- 0.0
Approx. 2 weeks
VR development is an amazing career, with both demand and salaries rising....