Search result for Emergency and disaster preparedness training Online Courses & Certifications
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Emergency Preparedness Training
- 0.0
The objective of the Emergency Preparedness Course is to help you create an emergency preparedness plan that you can feel comfortable with in the event of a natural disaster. The Emergency Preparedness Course consists of approximately 3 hours of lecture time and 73 test questions....
Tsunamis and Storm Surges: Introduction to Coastal Disasters
by Tomoya Shibayama- 0.0
6 Weeks
Learn about natural coastal disasters and how you can help improve global disaster management. Whether you are an emergency management official, a city developer, an engineering student, or living in a potential natural coastal disaster community, this environmental studies course will teach you how we can improve disaster preparedness and management throughout the world....
Disaster, Crisis, and Emergency Preparedness Communication
by Samantha Penta, Ph.D.- 5
Approx. 10 hours to complete
This course will introduce you to basic concepts of emergency management, planning, and crisis risk communication. You will understand the definitions of and operational challenges associated with disasters and public health emergencies. Introduction to Disaster, Crisis, and Emergency Preparedness Communication Disasters, Crises, and Other Extreme Events The Emergency Management Cycle Who Has a Role in Emergency Management?...
Disaster Preparedness
by Michael Beach- 4.7
Approx. 13 hours to complete
Throughout the course, you will be introduced to the Disaster Cycle, specifically the Mitigation and Recovery phases, and will create an extensive personal preparedness plan for survival in the absence of common amenities, such as food and water, shelter, and communication. Finally, issues of how institutions and governments can aid in disaster are also discussed....
Resilience - The art of coping with disasters
by Limor Aharonson-Daniel , Mooli Lahad , Ruvie Rogel , Dmitry Leykin- 0.0
11 Weeks
Resilience is an essential element in successful disaster management and coping. Subsequently, this understanding will serve to improve the learners’ ability to manage crisis situations, as well as to help them plan and focus interventions and protective measures in the field of emergency preparedness and response. What is the role of resilience in disaster situations...
Emergency and Disaster Training and Exercising: An Introduction
by Yung-Fang Chen , El Parker- 0.0
Explore the role of training and exercising for emergency preparedness and how it can help you respond to disasters effectively. Capabilities for preparedness and responseCapabilities vs capacityIntroducing training and development as a cycleLearning domainsThe emergency management professionalBenefits and limitations of exercisingTypes and scales of exercise...
Basic Survival Skills : Live The Survivalist Lifestyle
by Brian Cliette- 4.1
34 mins on-demand video
Basic Survival Skills & Preparedness at times of Disaster, be prepared and protect those you love the most. The Basic survivalist and disaster preparedness course will teach you everything that you need to know about surviving a man-made or natural disaster in urban settings. How to properly store and can food supplies...
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VMware vSphere 6.0 Part 5 - VM Backup and Replication
by Larry Karnis- 4.8
3.5 hours on-demand video
Learn to backup and recover VMs using VMware Data Protection and how to replicate VMs using vSphere Replication First, we look at how you can use vSphere Replication to select and hot replicate critical Virtual Machines to ESXi hosts either within your existing vCenter environment or to a remote vCenter environment (your Disaster Preparedness site)....
Strategies for Assisted Living Communities during COVID-19
by Morgan Katz , Juliana Bilowich , Alice Bonner , Robin Jump , Molly Nace- 4.8
Approx. 10 hours to complete
Topics discussed include development of emergency preparedness plans, infection and outbreak prevention, staffing considerations, testing, and contact tracing. Emergency Preparedness Plans Emergency Preparedness and COVID-19 (Interview) References for Developing an Emergency Preparedness Plan Getting Started with your Community's Emergency Preparedness Strategy Develop comprehensive emergency preparedness plans related to COVID-19 practices and procedures...
Strategies for Senior Housing Communities during COVID-19
by Juliana Bilowich , Alice Bonner , Molly Nace , Morgan Katz- 4.7
Approx. 10 hours to complete
This course provides comprehensive instruction and resources for property owners and managers, senior housing staff, service coordinators and providers, community housing leaders, and other senior housing stakeholders to build upon their emergency preparedness and response strategies related to COVID-19. Topics discussed include unique challenges for senior housing communities, development of emergency preparedness plans, outbreak prevention, and coronavirus-adapted housing operations....