Search result for Dyslexia courses for teachers Online Courses & Certifications
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Supporting children with difficulties in reading and writing
by Dr Jenny Thomson , Dr Vincent Goetry- 4.8
Approx. 17 hours to complete
This course is for teachers to learn why some children have so much difficulty with reading and writing, often called 'dyslexia', and to learn more about best practice in teaching literacy to all in light of recent scientific discoveries. Participation in or completion of this online course will not confer academic credit for University of London programmes...
Dyslexia Therapy for Self Help or as a Career
by Libby Seery Founder of Renaissance Life Therapies- 4.2
1 hour on-demand video
Dyslexia Therapy as a Self-Help Model for Dyslexics & Dyslexia Therapy as a Career Dyslexia Therapy for Self Help and Dyslexia Therapy as a Career Although this course is suitable for anyone who wishes to know more about dyslexia, it's mainly focused towards informing those who want to engage in dyslexia therapy. Module 9: Intervention for Dyslexia...
Foundations of Teaching for Learning Capstone: The Reflective Practitioner
by Professor John MacBeath , Alex Alexandrou- 4.3
Approx. 5 hours to complete
This course is open to learners who have completed all eight courses on the Foundations of Teaching for Learning MOOC. Coursera and its partners are proud to offer eligible teachers in the US free Course Certificates for this course and other high-quality teacher professional development courses, through the Connected effort announced by President Obama....
Psicologia dell'apprendimento
by Orazio Miglino- 0.0
8 Weeks
What are the best environments for learning? This course is designed to help psychologists, educationalists, teacher trainers, teachers and educational software developers better understand the psychology behind learning. Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) and new scenarios for teaching/learning...
A Better Start to Reading
by Gail Gillon , Amy Scott , Brigid McNeill- 0.0
6 Weeks
This course will ensure that teachers and professionals alike are reading books in the most effective way to support children’s early reading skills. The course content will be relevant for all young children, specifically focusing on the key foundational skills of phonological awareness, print concepts, and vocabulary knowledge for children aged 4-6 years....
Teaching for Success: Lessons and Teaching
by suzanne mordue- 0.0
Look at lessons, courses and resources with this continuing professional development course for English language teachers. Planning lessons and courses Taking responsibility for professional development...
MOOC and Blended Learning
by Shijie Yu- 0.0
Approx. 5 hours to complete
The development of online education has brought opportunities and challenges for traditional teaching and learning. sharing online education practices and experiences from a large number of excellent teachers Chapter V Case Studies for Teaching Online 2 Teaching Design for the "University" Unit 1 A Completely Flipped Classroom for a Small Class...
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Foundations of Teaching for Learning: Being a Professional
by Professor Stephen Dinham , Professor John MacBeath- 4.7
Approx. 12 hours to complete
The Foundations of Teaching for Learning programme is for anyone who is teaching, or who would like to teach, in any subject and any context - be it at school, at home or in the workplace. What society expects of teachers Ethics, codes of conduct and standards for teachers Ethical, professional behavior for teachers...
Speed Reading Mastery: Double Your Reading Speed In 7 Days
by Jordan Harry- 3.7
3 hours on-demand video
Our online courses are for life-long learners This course is for anyone looking to improve how they learn in everyday life. The tips and techniques within the course are suitable for all and applicable across disciplines. I also loved the extra bit of guidance at the end for people with dyslexia....
First Steps to Become a Certified Yoga Teacher
by Varsha Bakshani- 4.6
2 hours on-demand video
Yoga Teacher Training Basics for Complete Beginners Courses offered teach students to increase vitality and strength. Our therapeutic training classes are suitable for all students including yoga teachers, general yoga practitioners, alternative healers, western medicine practitioners, and the general public. We aim to create unique teachers who honor themselves....