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7. Positive Psychology Practitioner Certificate [Level 1]
by Braco Pobric- 4.6
7.5 hours on-demand video
Fully Accredited CPD / CE Program by the CPD Accreditation Group All future extra lectures and upgrades are always included for free Increase Will Power and Self Confidence lawyers in Alaska have to under 4 hours of CPD a year, whereas lawyers in Ohio have to undertake 24 hours of CE over 2 years....
Positive Psychology: Work Life-Balance | Live Well-Work Well
by Braco Pobric- 3.9
3 hours on-demand video
Full, free lifetime access Whilst based in the UK, the CPD Standards accreditation operates internationally and meets the CPD / CE requirements and expectations for all professional bodies, regulators, and membership organizations across the globe. CE – Continuing Education, CPE – Continuing Professional Education, CME – Continuing Medical Education, or CLE – Continuing Legal Education....
8 Positive Psychology Coach Certificate: Level 2 [8 of 9]
by Braco Pobric- 4.3
10 hours on-demand video
You will also have FREE access to a private positive psychology/leadership coaching community network with over 3,000 active life coaches from all over the world and FREE one-on-one mentoring/coaching where you can be coached by one of our Certified Coaches or practice coaching skills and receive valuable credit hours. Fully Accredited CPD / CE Program by the CPD Standards...
Weight Loss Habits Practitioner Certification [Accredited]
by Braco Pobric- 4.3
1.5 hours on-demand video
JOIN OUR > 44,000 HAPPY STUDENTS from 174 COUNTRIES who have already taken our Udemy courses and gave Mr. Full, free lifetime access All future extra lectures and upgrades are always included for free Increase Will Power and Self Confidence to Help You and Start Losing Weight ...
2. Positive Psychology Habits Practitioner Certificate [2/9]
by Braco Pobric- 4.6
7 hours on-demand video
JOIN OUR > 44,000 HAPPY STUDENTS from 174 COUNTRIES who have already taken our Udemy courses and gave Mr. This training is a fully accredited professional program by The CPD Accreditation Group with 20 OPTIONAL CPD / CE Credit Hours. Fully Accredited CPD / CE Program by the CPD Accreditation Group. Increase Will Power and Self Confidence ...