Search result for Leadership training classes for managers Online Courses & Certifications
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Leadership: Advanced Training for Experienced Managers
by LearnSmart LLC- 4.5
16.5 hours on-demand video
Progress towards the next step in effective leadership and management. At the end of this course, you will take your team leadership to the next level with expertise in mentorship, motivation and management of people and ideas. Thus meeting the Professional Development Unit (PDU) requirement necessary to continue their PMP® Certification or for experienced project managers wanting to brush up on their education....
Leadership: Foundational Training for First Time Managers
by LearnSmart LLC- 4.4
13.5 hours on-demand video
Be ready to transition into management and gain the skills of an effective leader for your team. Master Strategies for Effective Leadership as a New Manager Thus meeting the Professional Development Unit (PDU) requirement necessary to continue their PMP® Certification or for experienced project managers wanting to brush up on their education....
Best Leadership & Management Training Course
by Prof. Paul Cline, Ed.D- 3.9
2.5 hours on-demand video
In This Leadership & Management Training Course You Will Discover Specific Tools, Strategies And Techniques To BEAT These Challenges. Stats Show That For Every Dollar Spent On Leadership & Management Training … The Company Gains $16-$32 Dollars! This Is The Hidden Secret Of Great Leaders & Managers … Training! It Can Boost Your Career … It Can Boost Your Business!...
Leadership and management, leadership skills,team management
by Robert Sullivan, MA, MBA, FistlLM, FRSA AFHEA- 4
1 hour on-demand video
Leadership and management,leadership, leadership skills, team leadership, team building, leadership development, led, HR Business Management Training on Team Working, Team Building and Leading Effective Teams Let me just say it answered all the questions i had about team leadership and management. Team management, team leadership and team building are skills you will have for life....
Researcher Management and Leadership Training
by Anne M. Libby, PhD- 4.9
Approx. 20 hours to complete
Despite your research training, you are probably facing an urgent training gap in leadership and management skills. Leadership and management are essential skills for researchers. Researcher Management and Leadership Training Introduction to Researcher Management and Leadership Training About the Team: Research Management and Leadership Training Basis for Training Program (OPTIONAL) Reduce Potential for Bias & Follow the Protocol...
Business Ethics: How to Create an Ethical Organization
by Denis Collins- 4.2
3.5 hours on-demand video
Learn the 90 best practices for how to design ethical businesses and manage ethical organizations of high integrity. You will learn the 90 best practices for hiring ethical people, implementing codes of ethics, ethical decision making, ethics training, respecting employee diversity, ethics reporting systems, ethical leadership, engaging and empowering ethical employees, environmental management and community outreach....
Business Transformation with Google Cloud
by Google Cloud Training- 4.7
Approx. 11 hours to complete
More importantly, what can it do for you, your team, and your business? Business decision-makers: directors (managers of managers), managers of individual contributors (ICs) or ICs working in non-IT functions/divisions (such as finance, marketing, sales, HR, product design) interested in understanding the applications of Google’s cloud technology for business improvement opportunities and transformational project(s)....
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Management Skills: New Manager Training in Essential Skills
by Lawrence M. Miller, Institute for Leadership Excellence- 4.5
11 hours on-demand video
The course is ideally suited for new managers in companies wanting to develop lean culture. The instructor has 45 years of experience training managers and building a culture of teamwork at companies like Honda, Shell Oil, Corning, Honeywell and many others. However, there is new material for new managers on employee discipline, communication and conflict resolution....
Discrimination Training for Managers
by CyberTraining 365- 4.5
31 mins on-demand video
Learn how managers can prevent and deal with discrimination in the workplace · This training is essential for current and future managers in an organization. · What managers need to know about discrimination · This training takes a modern approach to sexual harassment training · Classes are illustrated with practical questions and examples...
Leadership: New Manager Training for Technical Professionals
by LearnSmart LLC- 4.2
5.5 hours on-demand video
In this course, you will learn how to develop leadership skills to confidently coach a team of technical professionals. This course is a bundle of the following LearnSmart courses, and includes comprehensive information for the following topics: Thus meeting the Professional Development Unit (PDU) requirement necessary to continue their PMP® Certification or for experienced project managers wanting to brush up on their education....