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Amazon Kindle Self-Publishing Course
by Yassine El Rhaffouli- 0.0
2 hours on-demand video
A comprehensive guide to Amazon Kindle publishing How does the idea of publishing your own ebook sound to you? This course starts by giving you an overall idea about the publishing scene, and how publishing and self-publishing works. This course is address to everyone who is interested in writing, publishing, and marketing ebooks on Amazon....
How to Self Publish A Book (English)
by Griselda Puspa- 0.0
1 hour on-demand video
A comprehensive course on self publishing a book This is a beginner course for self publishing a book with an example of self publishing in Indonesia, a Southeast Asian country....
Introduction to the Business of Self-publishing a Book
- 0.0
This short course provides a free introduction to the business of self-publishing for beginners. This course is intended for those new to self-publishing in search of advice regarding the complexities of the self-publishing process. After finishing this course you will understand the self-publishing process, your publishing options and which of those options are the best for you....
Learn How to Become a Self-Published Author on Amazon
by Lisa Rusczyk- 4.8
32 mins on-demand video
This course is designed for people with little or no self publishing expertise. eBook self publishing is something that anyone can do. Self Publishing Course Structure A close to finished book (This is a course on self publishing not the creation of book content). This course is designed for people with little or no self publishing expertise....
How to Sell Your Self Published Book on Amazon
by Heidi Thorne- 4
2 hours on-demand video
For Authors Using Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) Once you hit the button to publish your self published book on Kindle Direct Publishing, you’re not at the end of your publishing journey. This course is for new authors using Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) for self publishing their print books and/or Kindle eBooks....
How to Self Publish a Nonfiction Kindle eBook Like a Pro
by Heidi Thorne- 4.3
3 hours on-demand video
Learn How to Avoid Embarrassing and Expensive Self Publishing Mistakes If you have never self published an eBook, or you've been disappointed with your previous endeavors, this course is for you! We will be focusing specifically on self publishing nonfiction eBooks through the Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) platform. We'll be going through the self publishing process step by step....
Self-Publishing: Beginner to Advanced - The Complete Course
by Ian Stables- 3.9
4 hours on-demand video
Click the Take This Course button to enroll now....
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Kindle Publishing Masterclass
by James Bell- 4.2
9 hours on-demand video
Kindle Publishing with Amazon: A Guide to Starting a Business Selling Books On-Demand with Kindle Direct Publishing NOTE: Be sure to visit our blog before purchasing if you want a discount on the course price. The point of the course is to teach you how to successfully build a kindle publishing business that will generate predicable income through royalties each month....
Make Money Selling Low Content Books On Amazon, No Writing
by Flavio N. Medeiros- 4.3
3 hours on-demand video
The truth is that you can self publish books to Amazon and other leading book providers, with no experience, writing, or design skills. I've been self publishing low/ content books online and you can too. Start Your self publishing empire and earn PASSIVE Income This course includes:...
Publishing Secrets 101 Masterclass
by Cameka Taylor- 0.0
1 hour on-demand video
Designed for the aspiring or new non-fiction author, this short masterclass breaks down the publishing process, and provides proven strategies and effective resources to make your self-publishing dream a reality without breaking the bank. This course will ensure more manuscripts become published legacies and precious lives are transformed with the turn of each page....