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An Overview on Digital Marketing and Technology Strategy
by Erik Ernesto Vazquez- 4.6
44 mins on-demand video
Compute the return on investment of Digital Marketing and learn the basics of Technology Strategy and Innovation Section 2 of the course provides a glimpse into the concept of Technology Strategy aiming to connect it with Digital Marketing as an Innovation driven by the evolution of the way businesses use the Internet as a market and a medium for advertising....
Agile Innovation and Problem Solving Skills
by John Johnson- 0.0
4 Weeks
You will learn how innovation works on fast feedback cycles to test possible solutions and target root causes of defects. The best innovation process for startups in new markets or disruptive innovations, versus sustaining product and process innovations How to employ an innovation process that fits your business model and situation...
Fundamentals of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
by Tish Chungoora- 4.4
1.5 hours on-demand video
One key innovation offered by this course is that all the learning of the fundamentals of LCA is done through a powerful visual knowledge model. , or any technology or engineering-related field....
Cities are back in town : urban sociology for a globalizing urban world
by Patrick Le Galès- 4.4
Approx. 12 hours to complete
Classic urban questions about inequalities, housing, government, integration, are combined with issues about the urban fabric, questions of mobility and rootedness, sustainable development and risks, the making of the cyborg cities, questions of social control and riots, urban culture, innovation and urban economic development. Week #8 : Smart cities and the sociology of science and technology...
Digital Thread: Components
by Ken English- 4.6
Approx. 14 hours to complete
This is the second course in the Digital Manufacturing & Design Technology specialization that explores the many facets of manufacturing’s “Fourth Revolution,” aka Industry 4. The Diffusion of Innovation Resources: Diffusion of Innovation...
Business Process Management in Healthcare Organizations
by Margaret Kilduff, Ph.D.- 4.7
Approx. 14 hours to complete
Healthcare Organization Business Process Definition Lesson Two: Healthcare Organization Business Process Management Improvement and Innovation Healthcare Organization Research, Development, and Innovation Business Processes Healthcare Organization Technology Transfer Business Processes Healthcare Organization Disruptive Innovation and Entreprenurship Business Processes...
Global Health: An Interdisciplinary Overview
by Rafael Ruiz De Castañeda , Antoine Flahault- 4.5
Approx. 19 hours to complete
Research, Development, Innovation and Technology for Global Health Global Health Research, Development and Innovation Policies by Samantha Battams Voluntary Licensing for Innovation and Access by Esteban Burrone Strengthening primary healthcare: no innovation without training, no training without innovative pedagogical approaches by Beat Stoll Research, Development, Innovation and Technology for Global Health...
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Arts and Heritage Management
by Andrea Rurale- 4.7
Approx. 16 hours to complete
5 Co-Creating Experiences and Levers for Experience Innovation 6D Vatican Museums - Luca della Giovampaola, Head of Technology Support...
Nuclear Knowledge Management
by Куликов Евгений Геннадьевич- 4.9
Approx. 16 hours to complete
KM History, Definition and Models KM History, Definition and Models Knowledge Management in Nuclear Science and Technology Knowledge Management in Nuclear Science and Technology...
Be entrepreneurial in Cultural Industries in the digital age
by Sana De Courcelles- 0.0
Approx. 10 hours to complete
Entrepreunarship, SSE and social innovation Integration into an ecosystem of innovation Technology intelligence...