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Implant Dentistry
by Implant Dentistry MOOC Team- 0.0
5 Weeks
Learn Implant Dentistry from world-class specialists and researchers! Join the state of art in the biology, the technology and clinical management in implant dentistry today! In this 5-Week-5-Module course, you will learn about what implant dentistry is all about, covering the comprehensive spectrum of successful implant practice. Understand the evolution of Implant technology and the clinical implications...
Implant Dentistry
by Nikos Mattheos- 4.9
Approx. 28 hours to complete
Implant Dentistry is one of the most dynamic and rapidly developing areas within oral health care. We will begin the journey of Implant Dentistry by exploring how discoveries in biology and technological developments lead to the current practice of dental implants. Dynamic Navigation in Implant Dentistry Lesson Objectives and Further Reading - Digital Technology and Implant Dentistry (*NEW contents added)...
Digital Biomaterials
by Jukka Matinlinna , James Kit Hon Tsoi- 0.0
4 Weeks
In recent years, advancement in digital dentistry such as CAD/CAM technology in crown fabrication, 3D printing, artificial intelligence, stereophotogrammetry and digital orthodontics have greatly impacted many aspects of oral health care, in particular, oral and maxillofacial surgery, implant dentistry and regenerative medicine. Define what digital dentistry is and what it includes....
口腔种植学 (Implant Dentistry)
by Nikos Mattheos- 4.9
Approx. 25 hours to complete
口腔种植学是口腔教育中较新的学科。虽然现在我们都有共识,种植⽛相关的理论知识,⽆论是治疗⽅案的规划,还是后期的随访和维护,对于每⼀个职业⽛医都⾮常重要。然⽽,在当下全球的口腔医学本科培养体系中,它的覆盖程度还远远落后于其重要性。 在此背景下,香港大学口腔医学院联合⾹港⼤学的线上教育专业团队,历时⼀年有余,设计并制作了这门为期五周的⽹络公开课,旨在传播以循证医学为基础的,客观、全⾯的⽛种植学相关知识。这门课程⾯向全球,双语教学,完全免费。学员将在20 多位全球领先的种植学专家的带领下,完成五个模块,系统地学习⽛种植学。 种植牙,生物学基础,技术工艺 欢迎来到全球首门口腔种植学慕课! 第一模块简介 什么是种植牙? 天然牙和种植牙-生物学相似性和不同点 天然牙和种植牙-相似性和不同点 骨结合的生物学基础 种植体表面处理对成骨的影响 我的第一颗种植牙 生物机械力学的发展-短种植体和窄径种植体 种植体的选择 牙种植学的演变和重要概念 第一周总结 欢迎来到全球首门口腔种植学慕课! 课程信息 学习目标和延伸阅读 学习目标和延伸阅读 我的第一颗种植牙病例(第一周)-认识你的患者 学习目标和延伸阅读 1. 1 1. 2 1. 3 种植牙和患者 第二模块简介 “Begin with the end in mind" 以终为始 "Put first things first"要事第一 制定治疗计划 解剖学:上颌骨 解剖学:下颌骨 系统性的评估风险 1 系统性的评估风险 2 评估患者的治疗期望 第二周 总结...
Implant Training Courses - ICOI
- 0.0
45 Years of Dental Implant Education! The ICOI is celebrating over 45 years of dental implant education. We are not only the world’s largest dental implant organization, but also the world’s largest provider of continuing dental implant education....
Implant Dentistry | Coursera
- 0.0
Implant Dentistry is one of the most dynamic and rapidly developing areas within oral health care....
Dental Implant CE & Training Courses - Misch Implant Institute
- 0.0
2021-2022 Misch Resnik Dental Implant Courses. The Misch Resnik Dental Implant Continuum can be taken in order (S1-S5), individually, or in any order that works best with your schedule....
Implant Dentistry Courses | Dental Implants Training ...
- 0.0
Live Surgical Implant Training A Comprehensive 5-day training course. Hosted in the breath-taking and idyllic island getaway of the Dominican Republic, our live implant training program enables general dentists and specialists to learn and practice the craft of placing dental implants confidently....
Implant Seminars - Live Implant Training & Implant Courses ...
- 0.0
Live Implant Courses. We truly believe that proper dental implant training with real hands-on, live surgical sessions will provide each of our participants with the skills ....
AAID MaxiCourse Programs — AAID: American Academy of ...
- 0.0
MaxiCourses ® are comprehensive training programs in implant dentistry....
- 0.0
Facebook-f Linkedin Youtube Register Now 4-DAY HANDS-ON MODEL AND LIVE SURGERY SEMINAR FUNDAMENTALS IN IMPLANT DENTISTRY Presented byDR. MICHAEL KATZAP, DDS DECEMBER 15th-18th, 2021 ENGLEWOOD CLIFFS, NJ Register Now Course Description This course explores fundamental and current concepts in diagnosis, treatment planning, surgical and digital aspects of implant dentistry ....