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Statistical Analysis in Bioinformatics
by James Coker- 0.0
8 Weeks
Learn basic R programming to analyze biological big data to locate genes, perform simulations, and gauge the effect of specific markers. These types of data sets are often referred to as ‘biological big data’ and require bioinformaticians to use statistical tools to gain meaningful information from them....
Big Data, Genes, and Medicine
by Isabelle Bichindaritz- 4.2
Approx. 40 hours to complete
We’ll investigate the different steps required to master Big Data analytics on real datasets, including Next Generation Sequencing data, in a healthcare and biological context, from preparing data for analysis to completing the analysis, interpreting the results, visualizing them, and sharing the results. Data, Variables, and Big Datasets Working with cBioPortal - Genetic Data Analysis...
Proteins: Alignment, Analysis and Structure
by James Coker- 0.0
8 Weeks
Analyze biological big data...
DNA Sequences: Alignments and Analysis
by James Coker- 0.0
8 Weeks
Synthesize and analyze biological big data...
Ethics in AI and Big Data
by Jennifer Cloer , Gary Schillinger- 0.0
6 Weeks
Learn how to build and incorporate ethical frameworks in your AI and Big Data technology and business initiatives to add transparency, build trust, and drive adoption. This course will teach you why AI and Big Data ethics is so critical and how to apply ethical and legal frameworks to initiatives in the data and analytics profession....
Network Analysis in Systems Biology
by Avi Ma’ayan, PhD- 4.5
Approx. 30 hours to complete
An introduction to data integration and statistical methods used in contemporary Systems Biology, Bioinformatics and Systems Pharmacology research. The course covers methods to process raw data from genome-wide mRNA expression studies (microarrays and RNA-seq) including data normalization, differential expression, clustering, enrichment analysis and network construction. Big Data in Biology and Data Integration Big Data in Biology and Data Integration...
Healthcare Data Literacy
by Brian Paciotti- 4.5
Approx. 13 hours to complete
This course will help lay the foundation of your healthcare data journey and provide you with knowledge and skills necessary to work in the healthcare industry as a data scientist. We'll learn about the many facets to consider in healthcare and determine the value and growing need for data analysts in healthcare. Big Data...
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Big Data Science with the BD2K-LINCS Data Coordination and Integration Center
by Avi Ma’ayan, PhD- 4.8
Approx. 9 hours to complete
Finally, we introduce crowdsourcing/citizen-science projects where students can work together in teams to extract expression signatures from public databases and then query such collections of signatures against LINCS data for predicting small molecules as potential therapeutics. LINCS Data and Signature Generation Centers BD2K-LINCS Data Coordination and Integration Center Analyzing Big Data with Computational Pipelines...
Learn Bioinformatics in 6 Days
by Isaac Alfred- 0.0
4.5 hours on-demand video
One of the reasons why Bioinformatics exists is due to the increased amount of biological datasets. In this chapter you will learn first of all how data is stored and manipulated. Bioinformatics is all about managing data and providing scientific knowledge....
Fundamentals of Data Science & Machine Learning with Python
by Aditya Khedkar- 4.2
5 hours on-demand video
"In the next 10 years, Data Science and Software will do more for Medicines than all of the Biological Sciences together. By the above two statements, it is clear that data proliferation will never end and because of that, the use of data related technologies like Data Science and Big Data is increasing day by day....