Search result for Biological data science Online Courses & Certifications
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Biomedical Visualisation
by Paul Rea , Amy Webster- 4.6
Approx. 22 hours to complete
With new techniques and technologies to image, process and analyse data related to the human body, and its biological processes, it is at the forefront of the digital revolution. It showcases visualisation techniques available using technology to image and display data related to the body and biological processes. Niall MacFarlane: Musculoskeletal Applications in Sport Science...
Ethics in AI and Big Data
by Jennifer Cloer , Gary Schillinger- 0.0
6 Weeks
Learn how to build and incorporate ethical frameworks in your AI and Big Data technology and business initiatives to add transparency, build trust, and drive adoption. No longer stuck in the fantasy world of science fiction, Artificial Intelligence (AI) today is a reality, and data is its fuel....
Big Data, Genes, and Medicine
by Isabelle Bichindaritz- 4.2
Approx. 40 hours to complete
This course distills for you expert knowledge and skills mastered by professionals in Health Big Data Science and Bioinformatics. Working with cBioPortal - Genetic Data Analysis Module 1 cBioPortal Data Analytics Module 1 cBioPortal Data Analytics Data Sources Importance of Data Preprocessing Data Preprocessing Tasks Data Normalization Data Discretization Data Sampling...
Essentials of Genomics and Biomedical Informatics
by Ron Unger , Ronen Tal-Botzer- 0.0
12 Weeks
This course presents clinicians and digital health enthusiasts with an overview of the data revolution in medicine and how to exploit it for research and in the clinic. ● Use of machine learning and artificial intelligence tools to mine the huge databases of medical information accumulating in Electronic Medical Records (EMRs), the Web, and numerous data science projects in medicine...
Plant Bioinformatics Capstone
by Nicholas James Provart- 4.8
Approx. 9 hours to complete
org, we covered 33 plant-specific online tools from genome browsers to transcriptomic data mining to promoter/network analyses and others, and in this Plant Bioinformatics Capstone we'll use these tools to hypothesize a biological role for a gene of unknown function, summarized in a written lab report....
Understanding Obesity
by Dr John Menzies- 4.6
Approx. 6 hours to complete
We’ll consider the biological and environmental pressures that make it easy to gain weight (and hard to lose it!). The course features Citizen Science projects. We'll collect data from you (anonymously, of course) and use it to drive participant-led discussions of controversial ideas....
Fundamentals of Data Science & Machine Learning with Python
by Aditya Khedkar- 4.2
5 hours on-demand video
If I will tell the scope and future of data science in the World is very high and Data Scientist is the most in-demand profession today, I am sure you won’t trust. "In the next 10 years, Data Science and Software will do more for Medicines than all of the Biological Sciences together....
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Artificial Intelligence Bootcamp 44 projects Ivy League pro
by Gopal Shangari- 3.9
13.5 hours on-demand video
AI and Data Science are taking over the world! Well sort of, and not exactly yet. We will introduce you to advanced artificial intelligence projects and techniques that are valuable for engineering, biological research, chemical research, financial, business, social, analytic, marketing (KPI), and so many more industries. For Data Science / Machine Learning / Artificial Intelligence...
Data Science in Stratified Healthcare and Precision Medicine
by Dr Areti Manataki , Dr Frances Wong- 4.6
Approx. 17 hours to complete
An increasing volume of data is becoming available in biomedicine and healthcare, from genomic data, to electronic patient records and data collected by wearable devices. Recent advances in data science are transforming the life sciences, leading to precision medicine and stratified healthcare. Demystifying Data Science Modelling the Data Medical Imaging Data & Modalities...
Case Studies in Functional Genomics
by Rafael Irizarry , Michael Love , Vincent Carey- 0.0
5 Weeks
Perform RNA-Seq, ChIP-Seq, and DNA methylation data analyses, using open source software, including R and Bioconductor. We will explain how to perform the standard processing and normalization steps, starting with raw data, to get to the point where one can investigate relevant biological questions. Data Analysis for Life Sciences: 4x: High-Dimensional Data Analysis...