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Exploring Psychology's Core Concepts|走进心理学
by Jing QIAN- 0.0
6 Weeks
This course will answerthese questions and more with psychology theories. Topics include history of psychology, biological bases of behavior, sensation and perception, consciousness, learning and memory, and life-span development. basic concepts that form the foundation of the field of psychology and thehistory of psychology biological bases of behavior, sensation and perception, consciousness, learning and memory, and life-span development...
Exploring Psychology's Core Concepts | 走进心理学
by Jing QIAN- 0.0
6 Weeks
This course will answerthese questions and more with psychology theories. Topics include history of psychology, biological bases of behavior, sensation and perception, consciousness, learning and memory, and life-span development. basic concepts that form the foundation of the field of psychology and thehistory of psychology biological bases of behavior, sensation and perception, consciousness, learning and memory, and life-span development...
by Matt Kurtz- 4.7
Approx. 6 hours to complete
We will discuss a broad range of findings from the scientific investigation of biological and psychological factors related to schizophrenia and its treatment. Symptom Assessment and History History of the Diagnosis of Schizophrenia History of Treatments for Schizophrenia Human Neuroanatomy and History of Neuroimaging Psychology of Schizophrenia: Introduction and History Biological Treatments...
Introduction to Psychology
by Steve Joordens- 4.9
Approx. 23 hours to complete
History & the Scientific Method Lecture 1 - Psychology Emerges. Lecture 8 - Biological Treatments (21:44 min)...
The Psychology of Thrill Seekers
by Kenneth Carter- 4.5
Approx. 16 hours to complete
The History of Sensation Seeking The Psychology and Neuroscience of Sensation Seeking...
Doping : Sports, Organizations and Sciences
by Fabien Ohl- 4.6
Approx. 14 hours to complete
This course will also explore biological control measures such as the biological passport, key legal dimensions, organisations that produce performance, as well as the sociological dimensions of doping. 2- The biological passport and longitudinal approaches...
Creating Innovation
by Shawn Ross- 4.8
Approx. 15 hours to complete
Biological Innovation The Psychology of Innovation...