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Arts Therapy - Arts Therapy For Self Healing (Part One)
by Riana van Staden- 4.2
4 hours on-demand video
Art Therapy : Therapeutic Art and The Healing Process of Therapeutic Art For Self Expression and Self Healing Therapeutic Art: Online Therapeutic Art Course - Arts Therapy For Self Exploration and Healing Within this Therapeutic Art online course, you'll find a section on arts therapy including self exploration and healing painful emotions, as well as a section for pure enjoyment and recreation....
An Introductory Guide to Art Therapy
by Syeda Rahman- 3.8
1 hour on-demand video
How to integrate art therapy methods and techniques into a holistic approach to therapeutic interventions An introductory guide designed to help students understand the history, methods and techniques of art therapy and vital information needed to integrate them into a holistic approach to achieve positive therapeutic outcomes. Definition of art therapy...
Arts Therapy : How To Use Arts Therapy With Other People
by Riana van Staden- 4.3
3.5 hours on-demand video
How To Use Arts Therapy With Others: Understanding Art Therapy Through Therapeutic Arts and The Creative Process Please be aware, this course will not qualify you to work as an art therapist. How To Use Arts Therapy With Others: Understanding Art Therapy Through Therapeutic Arts and The Creative Process How to use Arts Therapy - Course Content...
The MOST Comprehensive, Accredited, Art Therapy Course
by Chris Bankes Sivewright- 4.3
76.5 hours on-demand video
There are 3000 posts in the Q/A as people post their work, discuss theories, case studies, Art Therapy Exercises and then share the artwork done. Art Therapy and Mindfulness So this is a course for those who are academically interested but also those who wish to try and experience how art therapy may be used to overcome depression....
ArtWorks! Art Therapy Guide For Personal Development
by LYFE Academy- 4.5
1.5 hours on-demand video
Welcome to Pamela's Art Therapy Online Course For Personal Development! This course teaches powerful, simple and approachable, Art Therapy techniques to reduce anxious and self destructive behaviors. The art exercises taught in this course will help you problem solve, change your perspective, and move towards a place of acceptance and gratitude. Immerse yourself in Art Therapy...
Arts Therapy : For Greater Understanding of The "Self"
by Riana van Staden- 4.8
5 hours on-demand video
Arts Therapy : Understanding Art Therapy - Expressing & Developing The "Self" Through Arts Therapy and Therapeutic Art You don’t need any previous experience, and the course is suitable for everyone. Please be aware, this course will not qualify you to work as an art therapist. This Therapeutic Art course is self paced and offers you complete flexibility....
Arts Therapy : Arts Therapy For Self-Exploration (Part 2)
by Riana van Staden- 4.4
3.5 hours on-demand video
Arts Therapy: Understanding Art Therapy / Therapeutic Art and The Healing Process of Therapeutic Art (Part 2) Therapeutic Art: Online Therapeutic Art Course - Arts Therapy For Self Exploration and Healing (Part 2) This art and colouring course contains an array of activities and exercises such as a beginners guide to abstract drawing and designing your own impressive hand lettering....
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Art Therapy: create a book; run a workshop!
by Chris Bankes Sivewright- 4.3
13.5 hours on-demand video
Bring your Art Therapy to the masses Creating an Art Therapy stressbook/workbook Designing and running an Art Therapy Workshop This course includes an Art Therapy ebook by Elina Ghanbari The course includes 100+ ways of reducing stress, many many art therapy exercises, website links and throughout an encouragement to post and share your work....
Introduction to CBT: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
by Libby Seery Founder of Renaissance Life Therapies- 4.3
1.5 hours on-demand video
Online Counselling & Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Training Course CBT Therapy: Online Counselling & Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Training Course This CBT therapy: online counselling and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) training course is also suitable for: CBT therapy: online counselling and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) training course is comprehensive and here are just some of the things covered: ...
Art Therapy: Art Therapy Exercises For Healing In Life
by Tatiana Ambrose- 4
3 hours on-demand video
35 Art Therapy exercises for life happiness & stress management. Art therapy with paintings, art & affirmations These art therapy exercises allow you to sift through your internal emotions without judgment to see where they take you. Go ahead and enroll in this course to get started with your first Art Therapy exercise! -Your instructor and friend, Tatiana Ambrose...