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Conflict Transformation
by Ellen Ott Marshall- 4.8
Approx. 17 hours to complete
This course introduces you to the concept of conflict transformation and how it differs from conflict resolution, management, and prevention. We’ll see how conflict offers opportunities for constructive change, and we'll explore different tools and methods for engaging conflict constructively. Conflict Transformation Introduced Fundamental Texts on Conflict Transformation No Easy Road: The Ongoing Work on Conflict Transformation...
Religion and Conflict Transformation
by Judith Oleson , Thomas Porter , Kathryn Common- 0.0
12 Weeks
This course will introduce students to the theology, worldview, and practice of faith-based conflict transformation. It will prepare students to become leaders equipped with basic tools of conflict analysis in families, organizations, communities, and larger systems of oppression. for engaging conflict as a transformational process. conflict dynamics conflict transformation...
Mindfulness 21-day Transformation
by Kristan Tiritilli- 5
2.5 hours on-demand video
Throughout the 21 days of this program you will learn the basic principles of yoga, meditation and conflict transformation....
Conflict Resolution and Peace Building
- 4.3
conflict in order to resolve disputes. Amicably negotiating differences before they degenerate into a conflict is, this book suggests, the I pray that God makes this book a means for bringing about the needed transformation in people’s minds and...
Complete Guide to Conflict Management in the Workplace
by Joeel & Natalie Rivera- 4.4
2 hours on-demand video
Conflict management: learn conflict resolution skills & effective listening, communication & problem solving techniques The truth is that conflict is an inevitable part of work life, and it does not only affect those who are directly involved, it impacts the entire team, department, and organization. But, not all conflict is inherently bad—in fact it can be both healthy and beneficial....
Contemporary Issues in World Politics
by İlter Turan , Mehmet Ali Tuğtan- 0.0
7 Weeks
Explore major issues in world politics and learn how recent developments have challenged world order and peace. This course is part of the IPSAMOOC project, a joint venture Federica Weblearning - IPSA, the International Political Science Association Developments at both the regional and global levels have emerged to challenge world peace and order....
From Freedom Rides to Ferguson: Narratives of Nonviolence in the American Civil Rights Movement
by Bernard LaFayette, Jr.- 4.8
Approx. 15 hours to complete
Topics include the history of the campaigns, the different coalitions and groups, philosophy and methods of nonviolent direct action, and the contemporary application of nonviolent conflict transformation. Education for Change and the Future of Nonviolence Conflict Transformation The Future of Nonviolence Conflict Transformation Nonviolent Transformation in Nigeria...
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The History of Modern Israel - Part II: Challenges of Israel as a sovereign state
by Professor Eyal Naveh , Professor Asher Susser- 4.8
Approx. 12 hours to complete
Among the topics we will discuss issues such as immigration, economic transformation, political upheaval, religious Zionism and post-Zionism, privatization and Americanization, Holocaust increasing role in shaping Israel's identity, diversity and multiculturalism, as well as the enduring conflict with the Palestinians and the Arab world. The Transformation of the Arab-Israeli Conflict (State Actors and non-State Players)...
Negotiation skills: Negotiate and resolve conflict
by Dr Andrew Heys- 4.7
Approx. 14 hours to complete
Being savvy about organisational politics and having the nous to negotiate and resolve conflict is a critical capability for managers at all levels. 1 Why is conflict different? Types of conflict relationships Coping with complexity: From multi-party negotiation to conflict transformation 1 Complexity in negotiation and conflict resolution 3 Change the game: Conflict transformation...
Global History Lab
by Jeremy Adelman- 0.0
12 Weeks
Course themes include migration and statelessness, economic integration, warfare and conflict, the transformation of the ecological balance, and cultural responses and innovations....