Search result for Developmental biology Online Courses & Certifications
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Genomics: Decoding the Universal Language of Life
by Dr. Gene E. Robinson- 4.6
Approx. 36 hours to complete
- Elizabeth (Lisa) Ainsworth, Associate Professor of Plant Biology - Alison Bell, Associate Professor of Animal Biology Woese Institute for Genomic Biology Core Facilities Woese Institute for Genomic Biology Core Facilities - Stephen Long, Professor of Plant Biology and Crop Sciences - Karen Sears, Assistant Professor of Animal Biology - Lisa Stubbs, Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology...
Methods of molecular biology
by Aizhan Zhussupova- 4.4
Approx. 25 hours to complete
Molecular biology is one of the most interesting sciences, in which new discoveries are made every day. • See the correlation of molecular biology techniques with advances in related fields of science. Molecular biology of viruses Molecular biology of bacteria Molecular biology of bacteria interacting with plants Molecular plant biology Molecular biology of animals...
Intro to Psychology
by Susan Snycerski , Greg Feist , Lauren Castellano- 0.0
Approx. 4 months
lesson 3 The biology of behavior Introducing Matt Sputnik and genetics. Developmental stages and domains....
Genes and the Human Condition (From Behavior to Biotechnology)
by Raymond J. St. Leger , Tammatha O'Brien- 4.6
Approx. 12 hours to complete
Comparative and Developmental Genomics Synthetic Biology...
Lactation Biology
by Dr. Walter Hurley, PhD- 4.9
Approx. 40 hours to complete
The overall course goal is to introduce fundamental concepts that form the basis for understanding the biology of lactation, the biology of the mammary gland, and the products of that important physiological process. Introduction to Lactation Biology Module 1: Introduction to Lactation Biology...
Plant Bioinformatics
by Nicholas James Provart- 4.8
Approx. 14 hours to complete
The past 15 years have been exciting ones in plant biology. Hundreds of plant genomes have been sequenced, RNA-seq has enabled transcriptome-wide expression profiling, and a proliferation of "-seq"-based methods has permitted protein-protein and protein-DNA interactions to be determined cheaply and in a high-throughput manner. " Tools covered: Module 1: GENOMIC DBs / PRECOMPUTED GENE TREES / PROTEIN TOOLS....
Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics
by Matt McGue- 4.8
Approx. 27 hours to complete
Behavioral genetic methodologies from twin and adoption studies through DNA analysis will be described and applied to address longstanding questions about the origins of individual differences in behavioral traits. 1 1A: The Nature-Nurture Debate and Founding of Behavioral Genetics 1B: The Eugenics Movement 1C: What is Behavioral Genetics? 1D: The John/Joan Case...
Developmental Biology | Harvard University - Online Courses
- 0.0
Developmental biology studies the mechanisms involved in the development of complex organisms from the moment the egg is fertilized by a sperm. In many ways the basic understanding of developmental biology provides an invaluable foundation for other aspects of biology, as well as medicine, especially as many health issues ....
Developmental Biology | Biology | MIT OpenCourseWare
- 0.0
This graduate and advanced undergraduate level lecture and literature discussion course covers the current understanding of the molecular mechanisms that regulate animal development. Evolutionary mechanisms are emphasized as well as the discussion of relevant diseases. Vertebrate (mouse, chick, frog, fish) and invertebrate (fly, worm) models are covered. Specific topics include formation of ....
Developmental Biology - CourseSource: Courses
- 0.0
Developmental Biology The study of the process by which organisms grow and develop. Members of the Society for Developmental Biology have worked with CourseSource to create a Learning Framework for the Developmental Biology Course....
Courses | Department of Cell and Developmental Biology ...
- 0.0
The class features lectures and workshops with faculty from the Department of Cell and Developmental Biology and other departments....