Search result for Course for drugs and alcohol Online Courses & Certifications
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The Addicted Brain
by Michael Kuhar, Ph.D.- 4.6
Approx. 22 hours to complete
This is a course about addiction to drugs and other behaviors. It will describe what happens in the brain and how this information helps us deal with and overcome addiction. The Background and Overview of Drug Use How Drugs Alter Gene Expression: Signaling and Epigenetics Case: Drugs for Life: What Went Wrong? Drugs & Society...
How to Relax and Destress Without Drinking Alcohol
by Kevin O'Hara- 4.6
7 hours on-demand video
Do you use alcohol as a way to unwind and relax? Do you want to quit drinking alcohol but you’re at a loss for what to do next, how to replace the alcohol in your life? Take alcohol out but follow the same lifestyle and you’ll fail to stop because you fail to eliminate the drinking triggers....
Introduction to Healthcare
by Nigam Shah , Mildred Cho , Laurence Baker- 4.8
Approx. 12 hours to complete
Visit the FAQs below for important information regarding 1) Date of original release and Termination or expiration date; 2) Accreditation and Credit Designation statements; 3) Disclosure of financial relationships for every person in control of activity content. Products and Prescription Drugs Wrap Up - Data and Opportunities for Innovation Ethical frameworks for health care and for AI...
Drugs, drug use, drug policy and health
by Michel Kazatchkine , Barbara Broers , Jennifer Hasselgard-Rowe , Aymeric Reyre- 4.7
Approx. 29 hours to complete
This MOOC is the first of its kind, since it addresses critical issues related to drugs from a multidisciplinary, health and human rights-based approach. Throughout the course you will cover a range of questions including what are drugs and why they controlled? Video 7: The case for a revision of the international scheduling of drugs...
12 Step addiction recovery for alcohol, drugs and food
by Sabbir Muslim BSc (Hons), MBA, ARCS- 3.9
43 mins on-demand video
This course is a beginners course for addiction recovery from alcohol, drugs, food, anorexia, bulimia, debting, gambling and co-dependency sex and love addiction. The course gives you the essential information to recover, and the steps you need to find the right 12 step programme and find the right mentor to guide you through the 12 steps....
How to Stop Drinking Without Willpower
by Craig Beck- 4.7
2 hours on-demand video
A new powerful & private way to eliminate cravings for alcohol and get back in control of your drinking. Rehab was too expensive for my joyless and broke self. When I eventually landed on the secret to controlling my cravings for alcohol without willpower, life became. This is all waiting for you just as soon as you get started today....
A Hangover Free Life
by Louise Rowlinson- 4.6
2 hours on-demand video
Plus in January 2018 my family emigrated from the UK to Australia for me to continue my professional career as a Clinical Nurse in Alcohol and Other Drugs Service (AODS) firstly in the Outback of North West Queensland and then, following a move to the East Coast, in Central Queensland....
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Mental Health Ambassador Certificate
by Chris Worfolk- 4.6
2 hours on-demand video
Be a leader in improving society's mental health and learn to provide first aid Do you want to help others and improve and promote mental health? If so, this is the course for you. This will give you a simple, 6-step framework to support those around you and provide first aid for mental health. Drugs and alcohol and more!...
Foundations of Teaching for Learning: Learners and Learning
by Associate Professor George Oduro , Professor John MacBeath- 4.6
Approx. 12 hours to complete
The Foundations of Teaching for Learning programme is for anyone who is teaching, or who would like to teach, in any subject and any context - be it at school, at home or in the workplace. This course provides an opportunity for you to identify and understand students’ expectations and prior learning....
Drug and Alcohol Addiction Recovery Bootcamp
by Denise Roberts- 4.3
1 hour on-demand video
The course is designed to provide the student with the tools they need over the next 30 days in order to stay free from drugs and alcohol. If you are ready to take action in multiple areas of your life and you are committed to quitting your addiction then this course is for you....