Search result for Coursera financial aid Online Courses & Certifications
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by Emily Gurley, PhD, MPH- 4.9
Approx. 7 hours to complete
Yes, Coursera provides financial aid to learners who cannot afford the fee. Apply for it by clicking on the Financial Aid link beneath the "Enroll" button on the left....
English for Career Development
by Brian McManusTop Instructor , Robyn Turner- 4.8
Approx. 40 hours to complete
If you want to get a Coursera Verified Certificate for free, please fill out the Financial Aid form....
International Law In Action: Investigating and Prosecuting International Crimes
by Carsten Stahn , Sergey Vasiliev- 4.8
Approx. 18 hours to complete
If you want a certificate, but are unable to pay for it, you can request financial aid via Coursera....
English for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
by Jack Sullivan , Alyssa Swanson- 4.8
Approx. 35 hours to complete
" If you want to get a Coursera Verified Certificate for free, please fill out the Financial Aid form....
International Law in Action: A Guide to the International Courts and Tribunals in The Hague
by Larissa van den Herik , Cecily Rose , Yannick Radi- 4.8
Approx. 18 hours to complete
If you want a certificate, but are unable to pay for it, you can request financial aid via Coursera...
International Humanitarian Law in Theory and Practice
by Robert Heinsch , Giulia Pinzauti , Emma Irving , Cinny Buys- 4.8
Approx. 19 hours to complete
If you want a certificate, but are unable to pay for it, you can request financial aid via Coursera....
International Law in Action: the Arbitration of International Disputes
by Eric De Brabandere , Giulia Pinzauti- 4.8
Approx. 12 hours to complete
If you want a certificate, but are unable to pay for it, you can request financial aid via Coursera....
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Dairy Production and Management
by Alexander N. Hristov , Troy L. Ott , Bhushan Jayarao , Greg Roth , Gabriella A. Varga , Chad Dechow , Robert Van Saun , Kathy Soder , James Dunn , Lisa A. Holden- 4.9
Approx. 76 hours to complete
For those who cannot afford the certificate fee, financial aid is available through Coursera....
Think Again III: How to Reason Inductively
by Dr. Walter Sinnott-Armstrong , Dr. Ram Neta- 4.8
Approx. 24 hours to complete
Expected Financial Value Expected Financial Value...