Search result for Food safety certification ny online Online Courses & Certifications
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Raising Chickens in your Backyard: a sustainable food source
by Criss Ittermann- 4.2
1.5 hours on-demand video
About me & my chickens: I free-range my 17 chickens on the outskirts of an upstate NY city on a 1. This course is not meant to fulfill requirements for any jurisdiction or issue a certification that is required by law for you to have or raise chickens....
Diploma Certificate in Dietary Supplements Advisor
by Akash Sehrawat- 4.5
3 hours on-demand video
Course & Exam Location: Online 1) The food that we eat is losing its nutritive value. In various lectures, I have mentioned that there are third-party organizations like consumer lab that independently test the supplements for their potency and safety and I have provided a list of organizations that do that very job....
The Complete Public Speaking Certification Program (Part 1)
by Jason Teteak- 4.5
2.5 hours on-demand video
The #1 Most Powerful Public Speaking and Presentations Certification System in the World! (Beginner to Advanced) If you’re a consultant, this certification is a practical way to show that you are a Presentation Skills Specialist, which could help you attract better, higher-paying clients, boost their ROI and efficiency, and lower turnover, safety and security concerns....
The Complete Public Speaking Certification Program (Part 3)
by Jason Teteak- 4.8
7 hours on-demand video
The #1 Most Powerful Public Speaking and Presentations Certification System in the World! (Beginner to Advanced) If you’re a consultant, this certification is a practical way to show that you are a Presentation Skills Specialist, which could help you attract better, higher-paying clients, boost their ROI and efficiency, and lower turnover, safety and security concerns....
The Complete Public Speaking Certification Program (Part 2)
by Jason Teteak- 4.4
4.5 hours on-demand video
The #1 Most Powerful Public Speaking and Presentations Certification System in the World! (Beginner to Advanced) If you’re a consultant, this certification is a practical way to show that you are a Presentation Skills Specialist, which could help you attract better, higher-paying clients, boost their ROI and efficiency, and lower turnover, safety and security concerns....