Search result for Free touch typing lessons online Online Courses & Certifications
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Learn Touch Typing and achieve up to 60WPM in 4 Days minimum
by Bakir Mousavi- 0.0
25 mins on-demand video
Achieve 60+ WPM in 4 days through its Inside Course Practice System for Touch Typing Fast | Typing Skills | Typing Class Achieve a strong experience in Touch Typing with this tutorial for beginners to advanced. Exclusive and will teach you differently unlike online typing courses using games or Apps. Lifetime Support included on Touch Typing....
Quickstart Online Marketing Guide for Fitness Professionals
by Emma Haughton- 4.8
1.5 hours on-demand video
We move step by step through the key components which include getting yourself in front of your ideal audience, the importance of creating a free valuable resource and how to produce one quickly through to regularly staying in touch with your online followers. It is broken down into manageable and actionable lessons and will only take 1 hour to complete....
Sell Music: How to Build an effective Music Selling System
by Thomas Ferriere- 4.3
2.5 hours on-demand video
Thomas Ferriere’s course instead streamlines years of learning and specialized skills into a short course broken up over a few lessons that distill the essence of that academic and music background into an easy-to-understand and highly accessible format. Most of all, the autoresponder sends out offers of free music....
Angular 2 Complete E-Commerce App Course - Java,Spring,MySQL
by Le Deng- 3.6
20.5 hours on-demand video
MySQL is powerful and free to use and serves as a good database candidate in plenty of commercial apps out there....
Complete E-Commerce Course - Java,Spring,Hibernate and MySQL
by Le Deng- 4.3
20 hours on-demand video
Specifically, it's about building an online bookstore. MySQL is powerful and free to use and serves as a good database candidate in plenty of commercial apps out there....
Break Free from your Opioid Addiction
by Denise Roberts- 4.3
1 hour on-demand video
Opioid, Opiate and Heroin Addiction and Recovery - Get Sober from Home * FREE Workbook * FREE E-Books and Guides The subject of breaking free from opioid addiction is presented in a very compact and good structured way. Thank You for putting together the lessons in this course! Welcome to Break Free from your Opioid Addiction....
Get A Web Developer Job - The Tips, Tricks & Tech Revealed
by James Bedford- 4.2
2.5 hours on-demand video
Get the Web Developer Job you Always Wanted! Learn the Secrets & Tech to Succeed - Includes free Portfolio and Resume! Portfolios - How to make them the best we can (Included is a free stunning mobile responsive template you can edit and call your own)...
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American Capitalism: A History
by Edward E. Baptist , Louis Hyman- 0.0
4 Weeks
While we will touch on important economic thinkers, this class will focus more on the people and institutions that developed capitalism in the United States. Digital History is a website that can serve as an online text book if you need a stronger grounding in U....
Powerful Tools for Teaching and Learning: Digital Storytelling
by Bernard R Robin , Sara G. McNeil- 4.6
Approx. 14 hours to complete
com/), a free web-based video editing program, to create a digital story that could be shared both online and with students in the classroom. 12 lessons learned part 1 12 Lessons Learned Part 1 12 Lessons Learned Part 2 12 Lessons Learned Part 3...
Massage Professional: 15 Hours, 11 Accredited Certificates
by The Ebodhi Team- 4.7
26.5 hours on-demand video
If you wish to practice professional massage via our certificates, it is very important to check that CTAA certificates are insurable in your country and to check the law in your country to see if online certificates are recognized. However, many online courses often leave something to be desired. Dip into the video lessons and three eBooks as you wish....