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Group Life Coach Practitioner Certification (ACCREDITED)
by Graham Nicholls- 4.6
6 hours on-demand video
Discover the power of helping more people at once through the process of Group Life Coaching & become Fully Accredited. Create a Group Coaching Community in which everyone supports and helps each other? Discover how to help with Group Coaching either in person or via the internet? Make more money with Group Coaching than with individual coaching?...
6 Mindfulness Positive Psychology Coach Certificate [6 of 9]
by Braco Pobric- 4.7
3 hours on-demand video
This course is accredited by the internationally recognized CPD Accreditation Group (Provider No: 777313) and upon completion of this course, you will receive an official Accredited Certificate from Life Success Academy. If you answer YES, to any of the following statements, this Accredited Mindfulness Life Coach Certification course is for you:...
Sales Training: Sales Team Management
by Kyle Jepson- 4.7
Approx. 10 hours to complete
In this course, you will learn how to define your target market, create a scalable sales process, and build training, coaching, hiring, and onboarding programs to help your sales team grow better. The 25 Best Sales Training Programs for Every Budget and Team (Optional) The Importance of Coaching Your Salespeople 4 Steps to Building a Successful Sales Coaching Program...
Mindfulness Parenting Practitioner Certificate | Accredited
by Braco Pobric- 4.5
1 hour on-demand video
Receive Accredited Certificate in Positive Psychology and Happy Children This course is accredited by the internationally recognized CPD Accreditation Group (Provider No: 777313) and upon completion of this course, you will receive an official Accredited Certificate from Life Success Academy. This program is Fully Accredited CPD / CE Program by The CPD Accreditation Group....
Weight Loss Habits Practitioner Certification [Accredited]
by Braco Pobric- 4.3
1.5 hours on-demand video
This course is accredited by the internationally recognized CPD Accreditation Group (Provider No: 777313) and upon completion of this course, you will receive an official Accredited Certificate from Life Success Academy....
Management Coaching Employee Performance Coach Certification
by Joeel & Natalie Rivera- 4.4
1.5 hours on-demand video
The time you invest in coaching your employees will reduce the time you spend putting out fires, handling issues, and compensating for low performance. This program will provide best practices for coaching your employees, including: We provide training programs and curriculum development for entrepreneurs and small businesses and have been coaching for over a decade....
8 Positive Psychology Coach Certificate: Level 2 [8 of 9]
by Braco Pobric- 4.3
10 hours on-demand video
The [ONLY] Internationally Accredited 20 Professional Development / Continuing Education Hours: Provider #777313 This Life Coaching training enables you to become anInternational Happiness Life Coach and Receive Accredited Life Coach Certification with up to 40 Continuing Education / Professional Development Credits (CE / CPD) that will set you up as an Authority in your Profession...
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Home Business Coach Certification FECBC Life Coach Training
by Holistic Coach Academy- 4.7
4 hours on-demand video
Home Business Coach Life Coach Training Level 2 Grads Accredited Certification and Home Business Coaching Directory OUR GOAL FOR CREATING THIS ACCREDITED HOME BUSINESS COACHING CERTIFICATION COURSE I have teamed up with the Udemy E-Learning Platform to make my proprietary coaching training programs easily accessible to a global audience at an affordable price....
Confidence Coaching Certification CGRCC Confidence Coaching
by Get Results Coach Academy- 4.2
3.5 hours on-demand video
Confidence Coaching Level 2 Grads Accredited Confidence Coaching Certification and Confidence Coaching Directory Listing Why take our Confidence Coaching Certification Accredited Confidence Coach Course? CONFIDENCE COACHING CERTIFICATION COURSE GOAL I have teamed up with the Udemy E-Learning Platform to make my proprietary coaching training programs easily accessible to a global audience at an affordable price....
Stress Management Coaching Certification CGRSC Stress Coach
by Get Results Coach Academy- 4.4
12 hours on-demand video
Stress Management Coaching Level 2 Grads Accredited Stress Management Coaching Certification and Coach Directory Listing You want a separate certificate of completion that is not from Udemy but from our Accredited Coaching Academy. I have teamed up with the Udemy E-Learning Platform to make my proprietary coaching training programs easily accessible to a global audience at an affordable price....