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Getting Started with SAS Visual Analytics
by Nicole Ball- 4.7
Approx. 5 hours to complete
In this course, you learn more about SAS Visual Analytics and the SAS Viya platform, how to access and investigate data in SAS Visual Analytics, and how to prepare data for analysis using SAS Data Studio. Introduction to Visual Analytics SAS Visual Analytics SAS Visual Analytics Methodology Demo: Viewing a Report in Visual Analytics...
How to create data apps with SQL Server and visual studio
by Bluelime Learning Solutions- 3.6
3 hours on-demand video
Learn to create a database driven application with SQL Server and Visual Studio We will be using C# an object-oriented language designed by Microsoft and used by systems engineers, desktop programmers, and mobile app developers the world over. By the end of this course you should be able to create your own data apps using visual studio and SQL Server...
Learn Basic Microsoft Razor with JQuery and Visual Studio
by E Learning Lab- 3.7
9.5 hours on-demand video
Learn the Fundamentals of Programming with Microsoft Razor, JQuery, SQL and Visual Studio 2013 for Web! In this course, using Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 for Web, you learn the fundamentals of programming using Microsoft Razor. This course uses the very powerful "Step Into" feature of Microsoft Visual Studio 2013. Learn how to create templates in Visual Studio...
Introduction to Microsoft SQL Server Application Development
by Bluelime Learning Solutions- 4.2
1 hour on-demand video
We will be using C# an object-oriented language designed by Microsoft and used by systems engineers, desktop programmers, and mobile app developers the world over. By the end of this course you should be able to create your own data apps using visual studio and SQL Server...
How To Create Login Form with Visual Studio and SQL Server
by Bluelime Learning Solutions- 4
2 hours on-demand video
Create a login form step by step in Visual Studio and connect to SQL Server using C# We are going to create a database driven user login form using Microsoft visual studio,Microsoft SQL Server,SQL | T-SQL and C# Microsoft Visual Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) from Microsoft. Add database to visual studio project...
Learn Visual Studio 2015 Like a Pro
by Yogesh Ramakrishnan- 3.1
1.5 hours on-demand video
Jump start your development with Visual Studio 2015 to quickly create amazing applications. Visual Studio 2015 is the latest and greatest integrated development environment from Microsoft. Visual Studio provides complete capability for full cycle software project management. Explain how Visual studio helps in Cross platform development. Show you how to use Visual studio in Application Lifecycle Management....
A 16 Hour C# Course With Microsoft Visual Studio 2013
by A O- 4.4
16.5 hours on-demand video
Quadruple Your Skills: Learn C# , Microsoft Visual Studio 2013, Debugging and SQL Server Basics! In addition to learning C#, you'll also cover the Microsoft Visual Studio programming environment, which will serve as the perfect complement to your newfound C# skills. Understand the Microsoft Visual Studio Environment as It Relates to C#...
SQL Server Reporting Services Part 1 (SSRS)
by Raphael Asghar- 4.5
6 hours on-demand video
After completing this course, the student will be able to install SQL Server 2016, install Microsoft Visual Studio and create from scratch reports from simple to complex reports that aid in upper management in making important business decisions; and at the same time, aid the end user to view, interact with, and distribute reports in various platforms....
Visual Basic Programming - VB.NET with Windows Forms Apps
by EDU CBA- 3.2
21 hours on-demand video
Learn how to program with Visual Basic. It was re-engineered by Microsoft as part of its . Microsoft currently supplies two main editions of IDE for developing in VB. NET: Microsoft Visual Studio 2013, which is economic software and Visual Studio Express Edition 2013, which is free of charge. It was re-engineered by Microsoft as part of its ....
Visual Basic .NET Tutorial for Beginners Make App That Sells
by Yogesh Patel- 4.1
8.5 hours on-demand video
Learning Visual Basic . Visual Basic is one of the Microsoft core programming languages for building web, mobile, and desktop applications. A programmer can put together an application using the components provided with Visual Basic itself. We will start this course by installing Visual Studio Express which is a community edition of Visual Studio and is free to use....