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Learn Molecular Dynamics from Scratch
by Thirumal Kumar- 4.3
1 hour on-demand video
Introduction to experimental approach of molecular dynamics using GROMACS The easiest way to learn molecular dynamics! In this course, you will be learning the molecular dynamics from scratch including , Molecular Dynamics Software, Ubuntu Installation in Windows, GROMACS Installation, GROMACS files format, Molecule Preparation, Energy Minimization, System Equilibration, Molecular Dynamics, Trajectory Analysis Molecular Dynamics...
System Dynamics for Health Sciences
by David Rubin , Tak Igusa , Robyn Letts- 0.0
9 Weeks
Learn to use system dynamics to better understand complex medical issues and interventions. System dynamics is such a tool, allowing health practitioners to model and simulate problems ranging from the molecular level to the entire healthcare system and beyond. Ability to apply system dynamics methodology to a wide range of medical problems...
From Atoms to Materials: Predictive Theory and Simulations
by Alejandro Strachan , Sam Reeve , David Guzman- 0.0
10 Weeks
After a brief description of the electronic and atomic structures of molecules and crystals, the course discusses atomic motion in terms of normal modes and phonons, as well as using molecular dynamics simulations. How to use density functional theory and molecular dynamics to predict materials properties and processes...
Dense Gases, Liquids and Solids
by John W. Daily- 4.5
Approx. 5 hours to complete
Inter molecular potential energy functions are introduced and it is explored how they impact P-V-T behavior. Molecular Dynamics Determining g(r) from Molecular Dynamics Molecular Dynamics Determining g(r) from Molecular Dynamics...
Atomic and Optical Physics: Optical Bloch Equations and Open System Dynamics
by Isaac Chuang , David E. Pritchard , Wolfgang Ketterle- 0.0
4 Weeks
1x: Quantum states and dynamics of photons 3x: Optical Bloch equations and open system dynamics quantum states and dynamics of photons open system dynamics Unraveling open system quantum dynamics...
Atomic and Optical Physics: Quantum States and Dynamics of Photons
by Isaac Chuang , David E. Pritchard , Wolfgang Ketterle- 0.0
4 Weeks
1x: Quantum States and Dynamics of Photons 3x: Optical Bloch Equations and Open System Dynamics...
Atomic and Optical Physics: Atom-photon interactions
by Isaac Chuang , David E. Pritchard , Wolfgang Ketterle- 0.0
4 Weeks
1x: Quantum States and Dynamics of Photons 3x: Optical Bloch Equations and Open System Dynamics Quantum states and dynamics of photons Open system dynamics...
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Atomic and Optical Physics: Light Forces and Laser Cooling
by Isaac Chuang , David E. Pritchard , Wolfgang Ketterle- 0.0
4 Weeks
1x: Quantum states and dynamics of photons 3x: Optical Bloch equations and open system dynamics quantum states and dynamics of photons open system dynamics...
Atomic and Optical Physics: Ultracold Atoms and Many-body Physics
by Isaac Chuang , David E. Pritchard , Wolfgang Ketterle- 0.0
4 Weeks
1x: Quantum states and dynamics of photons 3x: Optical Bloch equations and open system dynamics quantum states and dynamics of photons open system dynamics...
Exploring Quantum Physics
by Charles W. Clark , Dr. Victor Galitski- 4.3
Approx. 34 hours to complete
Part II: Atomic and Molecular Polarizabilities: Perturbation Theory Part III: Atomic and Molecular Polarizabilities: Perturbation Theory (cont'd) Part III: Spin Dynamics and LS Coupling...