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PMI-ACP Practice Exams - PMBOK 6
by Joseph Phillips- 4.4
Are you ready to prep for your future? Joseph has written, co-authored, or served as technical editor to more than 35 books on technology, careers, project management, and goal setting for MacMillan, McGraw-Hill, Pearson Education, and AMA Press. In this practice test set, we’ll cover the exact PMI-ACP exam objectives:...
Project Management Certified Associate: CAPM Practice Tests
by Joseph Phillips- 4.3
Test your skills with 3 full practice exams through our newest product offering - Certification Practice Tests. Joseph has written, co-authored, or served as technical editor to more than 35 books on technology, careers, project management, and goal setting for MacMillan, McGraw-Hill, Pearson Education, and AMA Press. In this practice test set, we’ll cover topics such as:...