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Meaningful Marketing Insights
by David Schweidel- 4.2
Approx. 10 hours to complete
, sales) and on individual-level choice data (e. Exploring your Data with Visualization and Descriptive Statistics, Part 1 Organizing Data Big Data in the Big Apple Exploring your Data with Visualization and Descriptive Statistics, Part 2 Excel Analysis of Motion Picture Industry Data Common Descriptive Statistics for Quantitative Data Regression Analysis for Marketing Data...
Statistics for Data Science with Python
by Murtaza Haider , Aije Egwaikhide- 4.6
Approx. 12 hours to complete
This Statistics for Data Science course is designed to introduce you to the basic principles of statistical methods and procedures used for data analysis. You will take a hands-on approach to statistical analysis using Python and Jupyter Notebooks – the tools of choice for Data Scientists and Data Analysts. ✔Demonstrate proficiency in statistical analysis using Python and Jupyter Notebooks....
by Sean Laraway , Ronald Rogers , Katie Kormanik- 0.0
Approx. 4 months
You'll learn how to use statistics to interpret that information and make decisions....
Data Analysis with Python
by Joseph Santarcangelo- 4.7
Approx. 13 hours to complete
You will learn how to prepare data for analysis, perform simple statistical analysis, create meaningful data visualizations, predict future trends from data, and more! Data Analysis with Python will be delivered through lecture, lab, and assignments. Data Analysis libraries: will learn to use Pandas, Numpy and Scipy libraries to work with a sample dataset....
Business Statistics and Analysis Capstone
by Sharad Borle- 4.7
Approx. 7 hours to complete
The Business Statistics and Analysis Capstone is an opportunity to apply various skills developed across the four courses in the specialization to a real life data. Business Statistics and Analysis Capstone: An Introduction Business Statistics and Analysis Capstone: Assessments 1 & 2 Business Statistics and Analysis Capstone: Assessment 3 Business Statistics and Analysis Capstone: Assessment 4...
Six Sigma Advanced Define and Measure Phases
by Christina Scherrer, PhD , Gregory Wiles, PhD , Bill Bailey, PhD- 4.8
Approx. 15 hours to complete
This course will provide you with the advanced knowledge of team dynamics and performance, process analysis, probability, statistics, statistical distributions, collecting and summarizing data, measurement systems analysis, process and performance capability, and exploratory data analysis associated with Six Sigma and Lean. COLLECTING AND SUMMARIZING DATA & MEASURING SYSTEM ANALYSIS PROCESS AND PERFORMANCE CAPABILITY & EXPLORATORY DATA ANALYSIS...
Introduction to Genomic Technologies
by Steven Salzberg, PhD , Jeff Leek, PhD- 4.6
Approx. 6 hours to complete
This course introduces you to the basic biology of modern genomics and the experimental tools that we use to measure it. You'll also get an introduction to the key concepts in computing and data science that you'll need to understand how data from next-generation sequencing experiments are generated and analyzed. Memory and Data Structures...
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Fundamentals of Data Science with Python
by Packt Publishing- 3.8
2.5 hours on-demand video
Implement powerful data science techniques with Python using NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib, and scikit-learn Then, you will use Python to mine data from its source and analyze available data via statistical and probability analysis techniques by using NumPy and pandas. Nicolas Rangeon is a freelance data scientist. Working with Statistics and Probability...
Big Data Emerging Technologies
by Jong-Moon Chung- 4.7
Approx. 30 hours to complete
Then the lectures focused on how big data analysis is possible based on the world’s most popular three big data technologies Hadoop, Spark, and Storm. The last part focuses on providing experience on one of the most famous and widely used big data statistical analysis systems in the world, the IBM SPSS Statistics....
Statistics for Genomic Data Science
by Jeff Leek, PhD- 4.2
Approx. 9 hours to complete
An introduction to the statistics behind the most popular genomic data science projects. This is the sixth course in the Genomic Big Data Science Specialization from Johns Hopkins University. Welcome to Statistics for Genomic Data Science Experimental Design: Variability, Replication, and Power (14:17) Experimental Design: Confounding and Randomization (9:26) Statistics for Genomic Data Science Wrap-Up (1:53)...