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Start & Run An Art Teaching Business
by Rod Moore- 4.6
5.5 hours on-demand video
In the process I have taught hundreds of students in my one day art workshops and more than 15,000 people in my online courses and projects. the market place for teaching art online is huge and growing. Why Teaching Art Online Is Such A Huge Opportunity Right Now How & Where To Sell Your Art Teaching Projects & Courses Online...
Arts Therapy - Arts Therapy For Self Healing (Part One)
by Riana van Staden- 4.2
4 hours on-demand video
Art Therapy : Therapeutic Art and The Healing Process of Therapeutic Art For Self Expression and Self Healing Therapeutic Art: Online Therapeutic Art Course - Arts Therapy For Self Exploration and Healing Within this Therapeutic Art online course, you'll find a section on arts therapy including self exploration and healing painful emotions, as well as a section for pure enjoyment and recreation....
Kung Fu Instructor Training & Certification Part-1
by Defender inc- 4.4
1 hour on-demand video
With respect to all martial art masters, Here we are introducing a style called dragon Kung Fu style. We arranged the syllabus and techniques in proper order for our online students. "You can become a certified Dragon Kung Fu master through our online courses"....
Vector Drawing on the iPad with Affinity Designer
by Brad Colbow- 4.6
4.5 hours on-demand video
Creating art is fun and your online courses should be too. We learn all the tools you need one at a time by actually creating art with them and adding them to our poster....
Learn to paint with Alcohol Inks
by Jan Murray- 4.3
1 hour on-demand video
You may even be able to take your tiles and supplies to a craft fair or show and sell your art and paint right in front of customers. I invite you to browse my online gallery, and if your ready to continue the fun, check out my other Udemy video courses....
Arts Therapy : Arts Therapy For Self-Exploration (Part 2)
by Riana van Staden- 4.4
3.5 hours on-demand video
Arts Therapy: Understanding Art Therapy / Therapeutic Art and The Healing Process of Therapeutic Art (Part 2) Therapeutic Art: Online Therapeutic Art Course - Arts Therapy For Self Exploration and Healing (Part 2) This art and colouring course contains an array of activities and exercises such as a beginners guide to abstract drawing and designing your own impressive hand lettering....
How to Write Killer Headlines for SEO and Social Media
by Philipp Stelzel- 4.6
1 hour on-demand video
Everybody who is dealing with online media today can impact his business hugely by mastering the art of writing great headlines. I am working as a online marketing manager and teach courses on SEO and copywriting. Buy this course now, start learning today and become a master in the art of writing powerful headlines tomorrow!...
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The Affinity Designer Crash Course
by Brad Colbow- 4.4
3.5 hours on-demand video
Creating art is fun and your online courses should be too. We learn all the tools you need one at a time by actually creating art with them and adding them to our poster....
Sell Art Online Masterclass
by Douglas Butner- 4.8
3 hours on-demand video
Maximize the profitability of your art portfolio online. I will tell you all the ways I know to make money with art online, and we will talk in-depth about the biggest two ways: selling stock photography and selling your art on print on demand products. These techniques have helped me sell art everyday for over 4 years....
Entrepreneurship For Videographers and Creators
by Greg Hung- 4.5
1 hour on-demand video
It's focused on sharing actual figures for how much you can earn for video productions, video edits, Stock footage, to online courses. Learn the Art of Pricing for Corporate customers Learn how much you can Earn teaching online...