Search result for Aws s3 Online Courses & Certifications
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AWS Fundamentals: Going Cloud-Native
by Allen GoldbergTop Instructor , Morgan Willis , Blaine SundrudTop Instructor- 4.7
Approx. 9 hours to complete
Through demonstrations you'll learn how to use and configure AWS services to deploy and host a cloud-native application. This course has been developed by AWS, and is delivered by AWS technical instructors who teach cloud computing courses around the globe. Welcome to AWS Fundamentals: Going Cloud-Native AWS Overview AWS Infrastructure Part 1...
AWS Fundamentals: Addressing Security Risk
by Rudy Chetty , Hong Pham- 4.4
Approx. 7 hours to complete
Welcome to AWS Fundamentals: Addressing Security Risk! The course, created by AWS experts and delivered by AWS Solutions Architects, uses video lectures, hands-on exercise guides, demonstrations, and quizzes to dive deep on concepts about security on AWS. Welcome to AWS Fundamentals: Addressing Security Risks Demo of AWS Config Amazon S3 Demo of Cross Account Access to S3...
AWS Fundamentals: Building Serverless Applications
by Rick Hurst , Jonathan Dion , Adam Becker , Bobbie Atristain , Wes Gruver- 4.7
Approx. 12 hours to complete
We strongly suggest you take advantage of the AWS Free Tier to follow the lab exercises provided by throughout the course. Welcome to AWS Fundamentals: Creating a Serverless Bot Creating a Serverless Website with Amazon S3 Creating a Serverless Website with S3 Demo 2: Creating a S3 Bucket and Configuring as a Static Website Amazon S3...
AWS Cloud Technical Essentials
by Alana LaytonTop Instructor , Morgan Willis- 4.8
Approx. 16 hours to complete
If you are new to the cloud or come from a business background, we recommend completing AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials (https://www. Exercise 5: Create an Amazon S3 Bucket 5: Explore Databases on AWS 9: Choose the Right AWS Database Service Monitoring on AWS Optimizing Solutions on AWS 1: Monitoring on AWS...
Introduction to the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI)
by Bipra Tech- 0.0
6.5 hours on-demand video
The AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) is a unified tool to manage your AWS services. With just one tool to download and configure, you can control multiple AWS services from the command line and automate your infrastructure through scripts. Copy files to and from S3 buckets. $aws s3 ls $aws s3 sync ....
Amazon (AWS) QuickSight, Glue, Athena & S3 Fundamentals
by ClayDesk E-learning- 3.8
3.5 hours on-demand video
Make great visualizations! Learn complete workflow: Data Lake, AWS Athena, AWS Glue,& S3 Welcome to Amazon (AWS) QuickSight, Glue, Athena & S3 Fundamentals course - A one of its kind course! Gain solid understanding of Server less computing, AWS Athena, AWS Glue, and S3 concepts Import Data Sets into AWS S3 and create Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) connection...
Getting Started with Data Analytics on AWS
by Rafael Lopes- 4.7
Approx. 4 hours to complete
Learn how to go from raw data to meaningful insights using AWS with this one-week course. Throughout the course, you’ll learn about the fundamentals of Data Analytics from AWS experts. Popular AWS Services Used for Analytics Solutions Building a Simple AWS CloudTrail Data Analytics Solution (Part 1) Building a Simple AWS CloudTrail Data Analytics Solution (Part 2)...
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Introduction to Designing Data Lakes on AWS
by Morgan Willis , Rafael Lopes- 4.7
Approx. 14 hours to complete
AWS Data Lake Related Services Amazon S3 AWS Glue Data Catalog AWS Services Used for Data Movement AWS Services for Data Processing AWS Services for Analytics AWS Services for Predictive Analytics and Machine Learning Introduction to AWS LakeFormation Amazon S3 and Glue Data Catalog AWS Lake Formation Batch Data Ingestion with AWS Transfer Family...
AWS S3 Command Line
by Peter Fisher- 0.0
1 hour on-demand video
Learn how to manage Amazon Web Services S3 object storage Welcome to the AWS S3 command line course from How To Code Well by Peter Fisher. This 11 part course will teach you the fundamentals of managing AWS S3 buckets using the command line Why Should I learn the AWS S3 command line?...
Amazon Web Services AWS Interview Preparation
by KnowledgePowerhouse !- 0.0
3 hours on-demand video
Learn everything about AWS interview questions. This course is designed to help you achieve your goals in AWS field. Engineers with AWS knowledge may get more salary than others with similar qualifications without AWS knowledge. What do you know about AWS Region? What are the important points about AWS IAM? What are the different tiers in Amazon S3 storage?...