Search result for Certificate in travel and tourism Online Courses & Certifications
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Tourism and Climate Change
by Prof. Dr. Edward Huijbens , Dr. Arjaan Pellis , Dr. Bas Amelung , Dr. Machiel Lamers- 0.0
5 Weeks
In this online course we address the key challenges that tourism is facing in context of drastic climate change-, mitigation and adaptation challenges. If you upgrade to a verified certificate you will get an additional opportunity to position yourself in relation to diverse debates concerning climate change and (calculate) your own travel footprint....
Sustainable Tourism: Society & Environmental Aspects
by Dr. Arjaan Pellis , Jonas Skutka- 0.0
6 Weeks
This online course, ranked among the 10 best online courses in the world by Class Central, is part of the Professional Certificate Programme Tourism in Transition: Exploring a Sustainable Future, along with the MOOC Sustainable Tourism: Rethinking the Future, which was nominated for the annual edX® award in 2019 and the MOOC Tourism and Climate Change....
Sustainable Tourism: Society & Environmental Aspects
by Dr. Arjaan Pellis , Jonas Skutka- 0.0
6 Weeks
One out of ten of the world's total jobs are in travel and tourism and that number is growing. Tourism activities affect the environment of travel destinations and influence cultures worldwide. Tourism is in fact a complex phenomenon. You'll also help others in providing and receiving meaningful feedback on their critical reflections of tourism phenomena....
Introduction to Hospitality and Tourism Industry
by Ernest P. Boger D.Mgt- 0.0
6 Weeks
Travel Association reports that in 2018, travelers spent nearly $1. —generating $171 billion in tax revenues for federal, state and local governments. This is just the United States! Worldwide figures will easily double that and more. Some specific job areas are event planning, food service, hotel/resort operations, human resources, tourism management, tour operations, and travel industry marketing....
How to be a better traveller
by Anula Galewska- 4.6
4 hours on-demand video
Before the crisis, travel and tourism was one of the world's largest industries. For the first time in a history tourism stopped. I’m Anula Galewska, and I’m a travel addict. I’ve been to 80 countries and lived in 6. Actually, I loved traveling so much that changed my career path and started working in the tourism industry....
Sustainable Tourism: Rethinking the future
by Dr. Arjaan Pellis , Joost van Heiningen- 0.0
9 Weeks
Engage in interdisciplinary debates to explore and co-create future responsible travel and tourism initiatives in your (professional) context. Geography: what does tourism development mean for a particular location? This online course is part of the Professional Certificate Programme Tourism in Transition: Exploring a Sustainable Future, along with the MOOCs: Sustainable Tourism: Society & Environmental Aspects and Tourism and Climate Change....
Tourism and Climate Change
by Prof. Dr. Edward Huijbens , Dr. Arjaan Pellis , Dr. Bas Amelung , Dr. Machiel Lamers- 0.0
5 Weeks
If you find this MOOC interesting, we recommend you take also a look at our Professional Certificate Programme Tourism in Transition: Exploring a Sustainable Future, designed to take you on an wholistic investigation of the industry and eventually leading to your very own concrete envisioning of what sustainable tourism should look like....
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Tourism and Travel Management
by Sara Dolnicar , Sally Driml , Sheranne Fairley , Karen Hughes- 0.0
7 Weeks
By taking this course, developed around one of the world's premier destinations, Queensland in Australia, you will experience challenges, and solutions, reflective of the ever-changing global tourism and travel industry. Professionals working in the tourism (hospitality, events, sport and leisure) industries Individuals who have an avid interest in tourism Examine tourism and travel management principles...
Sustainable Tourism: Society & Environmental Aspects
by Dr. Arjaan Pellis , Jonas Skutka- 0.0
6 Weeks
Of all the industries of major importance worldwide, Travel and Tourism directly contribute $1. Whether you are a business owner, work in tourism or an fervent traveller, join us for this MOOC for an science based understanding of what tourism does to our living environment, our behaviour and our cultural inheritance....
Tourism 4.0 - The Tourism Industry in Industry 4.0
by Deshan Kuruvita - Aratchy- 5
4 hours on-demand video
Section 1 - Introduction to the Tourism Industry - Discover what the Tourism Industry is and the vital role it plays in shaping Society. Section 4 - Opportunities for Innovation in the Tourism Industry - Discover the opportunities for innovation in the Tourism Industry including Personalization, robots and automation, a more secure travel experience as well as better on-the-job training....