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Mandarin Chinese Essentials
by Estella Chen- 0.0
5 Weeks
Learn essential skills for communicating in Chineseincluding tones, pinyin, grammar, characters, and basic structures all within the context of a business environment. Chen, who will lead thediscussionwitha wide variety ofpopulartopicstoaccompanyyou to the world of chinese business culture and trend. Haohsiang Liao, Director of the Chinese Language Program at MIT. Greater insight into Chinese culture...
Chinese for HSK 3 PART I
by CHEN LI , LU Yun- 4.7
Approx. 60 hours to complete
大家好!Hi, everyone, welcome to join our Chinese for HSK Level 3 course. Chinese for HSK 3 is a 10-week course. At the end of the course, you will be able to communicate in Chinese at a basic level in your daily, academic and professional lives. You can manage most communication in Chinese when travelling in China....