Search result for Language pronunciation Online Courses & Certifications
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Speak English Professionally: In Person, Online & On the Phone
by Amalia B. Stephens- 4.7
Approx. 16 hours to complete
• Improve your pronunciation and fluency • Demonstrate the best body language for different cultural settings Get More from the Georgia Tech Language Institute Get More from The Georgia Tech Language Institute Group Discussion Language Let's Learn Telephone Language Key Pronunciation - Can/Can't & Numbers First Impressions: Body Language Practice Body Language...
Teach English Now! Second Language Listening, Speaking, and Pronunciation
by Jessica CincoTop Instructor , Dr. Shane DixonTop Instructor , Dr. Justin ShewellTop Instructor- 4.9
Approx. 19 hours to complete
The course also highlights the powerful opportunity to include pronunciation in listening and speaking classes and offers strategies to incorporate pronunciation activities. Teaching Pronunciation Video 1: What Makes Pronunciation Hard Video 2: Barriers to Pronunciation Video 3: What Makes Pronunciation Easy Video 4: Strategies for Teaching Pronunciation...
Learn the basics of Norwegian language
by Snorre Karkkonen Svensson- 4.6
1 hour on-demand video
Learn the basics of Norwegian communication with good pronunciation from the very beginning. In the course you will find more than an hour of video-material, where special attention is paid to pronunciation through my technique of using body language to demonstrate pronunciation and by using IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) transcription of all words and phrases....
Introduction to Applied Linguistics and TESOL
by pamela rogerson revell- 0.0
Get an introduction to applied linguistics and how linguistics is applied in a range of fields - from language teaching to law. Language and the big decisions in lifeInspiring language learningThe social role of pronunciationInvestigating language in useJoining the Applied Linguistics and TESOL community at Leicester...
Understanding IELTS: Speaking
by David Lewis , Genevieve White- 0.0
The language you need Assessment criteria: pronunciation...
Teach English Now! Theories of Second Language Acquisition
by Dr. Shane DixonTop Instructor , Dr. Justin ShewellTop Instructor , Jessica CincoTop Instructor- 4.9
Approx. 17 hours to complete
In this course learners are introduced to second or foreign language theories and practices for teaching and assessing listening, speaking, and pronunciation. Learners will also be introduced to basic studies in second language acquisition and their pedagogical implications. The Language Learning Ecosystem Historical Overview of Language Teaching Approaches (Completed) Describe best practices for teaching listening, speaking, and pronunciation...
Take Your English Communication Skills to the Next Level
by Amalia B. Stephens- 4.8
Approx. 12 hours to complete
During course lessons and Peer Assessments you will practice and expand the language skills necessary for success in the professional world. * Polish your pronunciation through more connected speech including use of through groups, contractions/reductions, and linking. Get More from the Georgia Tech Language Institute Pronunciation Self Evaluation Chart Advanced Pronunciation Improvement Techniques Additional Pronunciation Practice...
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Study English Anywhere- English Language Beginner Course
by Michael Sisley- 3.8
1.5 hours on-demand video
Learn the basics of the English language and feel more confident speaking, writing and understanding the language In this course, we will learn all the areas of the English language at Beginner level. After the pronunciation lessons, you will be able to listen to Michael pronounce new words through an mp3 recording....
Clear English Pronunciation
by Andrea Giordano- 4.8
4.5 hours on-demand video
Thank you for considering enrollment in my Clear English Pronunciation class! Throughout these 25 videos, you will see amazing improvements in your pronunciation skills. I have been struggling with my pronunciation for years. English Language English Pronunciation...
The Complete English Language Course Improve Spoken English
by TJ Walker- 4.5
26.5 hours on-demand video
Master the English Language - Learn English Grammar English Conversation English Pronunciation Spoken English This Udemy course gives you, the English language learner, a complete overview of English language and grammar. Where there are differences between UK and US language usage, these are explained in the lesson. This is the English language and grammar course you need....