Search result for Msc in ecology and conservation Online Courses & Certifications
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The Big Stuff: Evolution and Ecology
by Melanie Peffer- 4.9
Approx. 10 hours to complete
Then we will discuss ecology and the interconnectedness of life and touch on one big ecological issue in today’s society, conservation. Introduction: Conservation and Finding Balance Explain the basic principles of ecology and discuss how we fit into an ecological system. Apply knowledge of ecology to current conservation issues in today’s society....
Biological Diversity (Theories, Measures and Data sampling techniques)
by Roberto Cazzolla Gatti- 4.2
Approx. 9 hours to complete
Understanding how biodiversity evolved and is evolving on Earth and how to correctly use and interpret biodiversity data is important for all students interested in conservation biology and ecology, whether they pursue careers in academia or as policy makers and other professionals (students graduating from our programs do both). - basics of Ecology and Calculus...
Ecology: from cells to Gaia
by Roberto Cazzolla Gatti- 4.4
Approx. 7 hours to complete
This course presents the principles of evolution and ecology for citizens and students interested in studying biology and environmental sciences. 1) covers the theoretical and practical issues involved in ecology and evolution, 2) conducting surveys and inventories in ecology, 4) and applying their analysis to ecological and conservation problems. Population Ecology and Evolution...
Reclaiming Broken Places: Introduction to Civic Ecology
by Marianne E. Krasny , Keith G. Tidball- 0.0
6 Weeks
Explore why and how people come together to care for nature and community in cities and after disasters. The actions of ordinary people are often absent in studies of urban renewal and urban ecology. Define civic ecology and its practices Apply the conservation ethic and civic engagement foundations of civic ecology in your everyday life...
Ecology: Ecosystem Dynamics and Conservation
by Ana Luz Porzecanski- 4.8
Approx. 9 hours to complete
This course is an introduction to ecology and ecosystem dynamics using a systems thinking lens. At the end of the course, learners will be able to grapple with real-world conservation questions, such as whether an ecosystem can recover from anthropogenic disruption and what role humans can, and should, play in that recovery....
Organic Soil Building for the Backyard Organic Gardener
by Samantha Langlois- 3.8
1.5 hours on-demand video
Feed the soil and the soil will feed you! In this course, Samantha Langlois, conservation biologist and avid organic gardener, makes soil ecology and soil building available to people of all educational backgrounds. You will then learn what your soil needs in order to be healthy and fertile....
by William E. Bemis , Joshua Moyer , Ian Tibbetts , Ethan France- 0.0
4 Weeks
Sharks! Global Biodiversity, Biology, and Conservation: You will join researchers on location in labs, aquariums, and oceans across the globe to learn about the biodiversity, biology, and conservation of sharks, rays, and chimaeras. You will also examine topics in the functional anatomy, sensory biology, reproduction, behavior, and ecology of many of the 1,200 living species....
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Evolution Today
by Menno Schilthuizen , Maurijn van der Zee , Rutger Vos- 4.6
Approx. 20 hours to complete
This course is aimed at anybody with a drive to obtain a deeper, broader, and pragmatic understanding of evolution, including high-school students, BSc (undergraduate) biology students, MSc (graduate) students from other disciplines, medical professionals, conservation officers and educators in museums, libraries, national parks, and schools. Green beards and eusociality in the Red Imported Fire Ant...
Chimpanzee Behavior and Conservation
by Emily Boehm , Anne Pusey , Kara Walker- 4.9
Approx. 15 hours to complete
By completing the course, you will gain a new appreciation of the deep similarities between chimpanzees and humans in intelligence, tool use, hunting, personality and social relationships, as well as some key differences. This course is open to everyone interested in learning more about these fascinating and complex beings. Chimpanzee Range and Ecology...
Women in environmental biology
by Andrea Vidal Durà , Gemma Armengol Rosell , Anna Soler Membrives , Mercè Llugany Ollé , Mariona Ferrandiz Rovira , Sandra Saura Mas- 4.6
Approx. 10 hours to complete
We will also learn that the gender perspective plays a key role in how we understand the world and in how science, and in particular, environmental biology, progress. This course has been designed and developed by a team of women researchers applying the gender perspective in the content and structure of the course. Past, present and future in marine conservation...