Search result for Querying and manipulating data Online Courses & Certifications
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Big Data Integration and Processing
by Ilkay Altintas , Amarnath Gupta- 4.4
Approx. 18 hours to complete
*Retrieve data from example database and big data management systems *Describe the connections between data management operations and the big data processing patterns needed to utilize them in large-scale analytical applications All required software can be downloaded and installed free of charge (except for data charges from your internet provider). Welcome to Big Data Integration and Processing...
Data Analysis Using Python
by Brandon Krakowsky- 4.5
Approx. 17 hours to complete
Students are introduced to core concepts like Data Frames and joining data, and learn how to use data analysis libraries like pandas, numpy, and matplotlib. This course provides an overview of loading, inspecting, and querying real-world data, and how to answer basic questions about that data. Coding demonstration : Catching data errors and sorting...
Introduction to Data Science in Python
by Christopher Brooks- 4.5
Approx. 31 hours to complete
This course will introduce the learner to the basics of the python programming environment, including fundamental python programming techniques such as lambdas, reading and manipulating csv files, and the numpy library. Python Demonstration: Reading and Writing CSV files Understand techniques such as lambdas and manipulating csv files Describe common Python functionality and features used for data science...
Introduction to Clinical Data Science
by Laura K. Wiley, PhD- 4.6
Approx. 8 hours to complete
In this course you will learn how clinical data are generated, the format of these data, and the ethical and legal restrictions on these data. Accessing Course Data and Technology Platform Regulations and Health Privacy Resources Querying and Aggregating Individual Tables with Google BigQuery Querying and Joining Multiple Tables with Google BigQuery...
Introduction to MongoDB
by Norberto Leite , Kirby Kohlmorgen , Shannon Bradshaw- 4.3
Approx. 17 hours to complete
This course will get you up and running with MongoDB quickly, and teach you how to leverage its power for data analytics. We'll start by mastering the fundamentals of MongoDB, including MongoDB’s Document data model, importing data into a cluster, working with our CRUD API and Aggregation Framework. Getting Data Into MongoDB...
Clinical Data Models and Data Quality Assessments
by Laura K. Wiley, PhD , Michael G. Kahn, MD, PhD- 4.2
Approx. 17 hours to complete
This course aims to teach the concepts of clinical data models and common data models. Introduction: Clinical Data Models and Common Data Models Accessing Course Data and Technology Platform Clinical Data Models and Common Data Models Tools: Querying Clinical Data Models Comparing the MIMIC and OMOP Data Models Tools: Querying Clinical Data Models...
Representing Data with Images and Sound: Bringing Data to Life
by Mac Bowley , Caitlyn Merry- 0.0
Learn how data is represented through media; audio, visual and text. Representing numbers, text and colours How do computers bring data to life? Representing and manipulating Images Images as Data Manipulating Images with Code Sounds as data...
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Intro to Statistics
by Sebastian Thrun- 0.0
Timeline Approx. 2 Months
Get ready to analyze, visualize, and interpret data! Thought-provoking examples and chances to combine statistics and programming will keep you engaged and challenged. lesson 1 Visualizing relationships in data Seeing relationships in data. Standard Deviation and Variance. lesson 4 Outliers and Normal Distribution. Manipulating Normal Distribution....
Comprehensive SQL Bootcamp : Beginner to Advanced
by Bluelime Learning Solutions- 4.4
8.5 hours on-demand video
SQL is a standard language for accessing and manipulating databases. Query and read data stored inside a table Filter and Sort data from a table Joining and querying data from multiple tables Using various aggregate functions and grouping data Use SQL to filter and sort data returned from a database Joining and querying data from multiple tables...
Managing Big Data in Clusters and Cloud Storage
by Ian Cook , Glynn Durham- 4.7
Approx. 21 hours to complete
In this course, you'll learn how to manage big datasets, how to load them into clusters and cloud storage, and how to apply structure to the data so that you can run queries on it using distributed SQL engines like Apache Hive and Apache Impala. Creating and Querying Views Querying Complex Data with Hive...