Search result for Social media integration Online Courses & Certifications
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Ethical Social Media
by Dr Jonathon Hutchinson- 4.5
Approx. 11 hours to complete
Social media connects us across space and time, allowing us to find like-minded communities and participate creatively in public life as never before. We may often use social media without thinking much about the possible consequences. What is ethical social media use? Social media concepts Collaborative Practices of Social Media Users...
Laravel 2019 socialite - social media login integration
by David Ozoalor- 3.5
2 hours on-demand video
Learn how to enable your users log into your website through their social media accounts This is one of the reasons social media login feature was introduced to Laravel. Reviews:"This is the best course I've taken social media integeration, I'm lucky I found this course" - Joan "I've always followed Dave's course and like his style of teaching....
Facebook Marketing: Drive Traffic And Monetize Your FB Page
by Barry North- 3.8
2 hours on-demand video
Social Media Optimization - In this module you'll learn the basics of driving traffic through social media. We'll talk about how to get the most out of social media as well as what not to do with social media. You'll learn how to get the most out of social media as well as what not to do with social media....
Social Media Finance Course: Fintech 2018 Trends
by Gil Zapata- 3.8
2.5 hours on-demand video
Unlock financing for your start up or business with social media and fintech platforms. This course will show you how to use social media to get money for your business. Also, this course will discuss how to implement application protocol integration, automation systems, and other configurations to enable you to maximize your social media presence....
A Course in Innovations of Digital Banking - a global view.
by Shripad Vaidya- 4
2 hours on-demand video
Part II gives very sharp global case studies in vatrious innovation areas such as: - Artificial Intellegence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Deep Learning (DL), Chatbots, Blockchain, Big-data Analytics, Internet of Things (IOT), Open Banking, Fintechs, AR (Augumented Reality) / Virtual Reality (VR), Internet Banking, Mobile Banking, social media Banking, Mobile ATM, Advance Payment systems....
Instructional Design: Digital Media, New Tools and Technology
by Brandie Shatto- 0.0
8 Weeks
In this education and teacher training course, part of the Instructional Design and Technology MicroMasters Program, you will explore the design, development, and integration of digital media to enhance the learning experience and investigate how media, emerging and mobile tools, and online applications impact technology-mediated learning environments....
Digital Fundraising Blueprint, Pt 1
by Jeremy Haselwood- 4.5
3 hours on-demand video
Online Fundraising for Nonprofits and NGOs | Raise funds through email, SEM, SEO, mobile, social media & more!...
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Using Advanced Custom Fields in WordPress for Custom Content
by Ashley Cameron- 3.7
1 hour on-demand video
I’ll show you basic integration methods, examples of real websites using this plugin, and discuss the importance of organization to your workflow. How to create a profile card with an image, name, title, and social media links using (free version)...
News - WordPress Newspaper Magazine Blog AMP Theme
by MillionCourses Learning Solutions- 2
31 mins on-demand video
Share bar with social proof counter Marketing referral & affiliate by integration of JNews Review System Easy integration with Google Ads Full integration with Visual composer (Including Frontend Editor) Social Feature Collection of wide social network Share with social proof Login & Register with Social Media Social Button for your Social Profile...
iOS 9 and Swift 2: Step It Up!
by Michael Rudowsky- 4.4
17.5 hours on-demand video
Learn source control with Git/Github & Xcode integration Implement social media sharing...