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The Age of Sustainable Development
by Jeffrey SachsTop Instructor- 4.8
Approx. 30 hours to complete
The Age of Sustainable Development" gives students an understanding of the key challenges and pathways to sustainable development - that is, economic development that is also socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable. Suggested Readings for The Age of Sustainable Development QUIZ: What is Sustainable Development? Financing for Sustainable Development Feasibility of Sustainable Development...
Cities and the Challenge of Sustainable Development
by Jeffrey D. Sachs- 0.0
1 Weeks
What is a sustainable city? According to the United Nations, urbanization and population growth could result in an increase of 2. Sustainable development practitioners interested in the basics of sustainable development for cities around the world The Sustainable Development Goals and how they apply to cities What constitutes a sustainable city How various sectors contribute to modern, sustainable urban development...
Trading for Development in the Age of Global Value Chains - Word Development Report 2020
by OLC and SURR- 0.0
5 Weeks
In this age of global value chains, learn how GVCs can become more sustainable and inclusive. How can GVCs power sustainable and inclusive economic growth and development? This MOOC gives participants an opportunity to explore trading for development- how GVCs can further boost inclusive and sustainable economic growth, creating better jobs and reducing poverty....
Trading for Development in the Age of Global Value Chains - Word Development Report 2020
by Aaditya Mattoo , Anabel González , Davida Connon , Kate DeMoss- 0.0
5 Weeks
In this age of global value chains, learn how GVCs can become more sustainable and inclusive. How can GVCs power sustainable and inclusive economic growth and development? This MOOC gives participants an opportunity to explore trading for development- how GVCs can further boost inclusive and sustainable economic growth, creating better jobs and reducing poverty....
Trading for Development in the Age of Global Value Chains - Word Development Report 2020
by Aaditya Mattoo , Anabel González , Davida Connon , Kate DeMoss- 0.0
5 Weeks
In this age of global value chains, learn how GVCs can become more sustainable and inclusive. How can GVCs power sustainable and inclusive economic growth and development? This MOOC gives participants an opportunity to explore trading for development- how GVCs can further boost inclusive and sustainable economic growth, creating better jobs and reducing poverty....
Trading for Development in the Age of Global Value Chains - Word Development Report 2020
by OLC and SURR- 0.0
5 Weeks
In this age of global value chains, learn how GVCs can become more sustainable and inclusive. How can GVCs power sustainable and inclusive economic growth and development? This MOOC gives participants an opportunity to explore trading for development- how GVCs can further boost inclusive and sustainable economic growth, creating better jobs and reducing poverty....
Sustainable Development: The Water-Energy-Food Nexus
by Hani Sewilam- 0.0
5 Weeks
Learn all about sustainable development and global changes in this course. Sustainable agriculture The interrelationship between local and global challenges and economic as well as population growth This course gives you a solid understanding of the connection between water, energy, and food, and enables you to manage resources in a sustainable and effective way....
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Sustainable Development: The Post-Capitalist Order
by Jeffrey D. Sachs- 0.0
8 Weeks
Sustainable development represents a shift from our current system of inequitable capitalism to one that prioritizes prosperity for all, while remaining conscious of its environmental impact and sustainability for future generations. The challenges of growth on a finite planet The main objectives of sustainable development and how they account for the shortcomings of the present capitalist system...
Management of Urban Infrastructures – part 1
by Matthias Finger- 4.6
Approx. 12 hours to complete
Without functional governance and management structures that ensure efficient, resilient and sustainable performance in cities, the current urbanization growth might become a catastrophic risk threatening the quality of life of the humanity. Sustainable development in 21st century can only be realized by introducing innovations in both management and operations of urban infrastructures systems....
SDG: Moving Towards Sustainable Work
by Eva María Blázquez Agudo , María Gema Quintero Lima , María Teresa Alameda Castillo , Ana Belén Muñoz Ruiz- 0.0
5 Weeks
Decent work is thecritical engine of sustainable development. This course explores the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals and mechanisms for developing decent and sustainable work. Bringing people into decent work means economic growth and the increment of available resources and incomes to protect those who are unemployed or unable to work....