Search result for Variables and functions Online Courses & Certifications
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Learn to Program: The Fundamentals
by Jennifer Campbell , Paul Gries- 4.7
Approx. 25 hours to complete
Behind every mouse click and touch-screen tap, there is a computer program that makes things happen. This course introduces the fundamental building blocks of programming and teaches you how to write fun and useful programs using the Python language. Python, Variables, and Functions Python, Variables, and Functions Strings and Designing Functions Strings and Designing Functions...
Java Programming Basics
by Cezanne Camacho , Asser Samak- 0.0
Timeline Approx. 6 Weeks
Take your first steps towards becoming a Java developer! Learn Java syntax and create conditional statements, loops, and functions. lesson 1 How to write Java syntax and create variables Discover the basic idea behind programing. Use variables to store and retrieve information. Use 2D arrays to store and retrieve information. Use the IDE to find and solve problems in code....
Object-Oriented JavaScript
by Richard Kalehoff- 0.0
Approx. 3 weeks
A strong foundation in the language’s features empowers you to build efficient and performant web applications. You’ll build classes to create new objects that share similar data and functionality....
Python Programming Essentials
by Scott Rixner , Joe Warren- 4.8
Approx. 10 hours to complete
This course will introduce you to the wonderful world of Python programming! We'll learn about the essential elements of programming and how to construct basic Python programs. We will cover expressions, variables, functions, logic, and conditionals, which are foundational concepts in computer programming. Variables and Assignment Practice Exercises for Variables and Assignments Using Print and Return in Functions...
Cryptography: Boolean functions and related problems
by Kutsenko Aleksandr , Anastasiya Gorodilova , Natalia Tokareva , Stjepan Picek , George Pintus- 4.3
Approx. 5 hours to complete
* Boolean functions and S-boxes, and how the resistance of a cipher depends on a cryptographic properties of a Boolean function; * some special and most intriguing types of cryptographic Boolean functions: bent functions and APN-functions (Almost Perfect Nonlinear Functions) Boolean functions and heuristics Bent rectangles and simple constructions of bent functions Bent functions in small number of variables...
Introduction to Spreadsheets and Models
by Don Huesman- 4.2
Approx. 6 hours to complete
2 Navigating a spreadsheet and crafting formulas Module 1 Quiz: History, Formulas, Functions and Errors 1 Using assumptions and decision variables in spreadsheet models 2 Structuring a spreadsheet to model variables, objectives, and objective functions 1 Random variables and probability distributions 3 Power, exponential, and log functions Additional reading on exponential and other functions...
Introduction to Programming in Swift 5
by Mark Price- 4.5
Approx. 11 hours to complete
By the end of this course you will know how to build simple programs with the Swift programming language and you will be ready to learn iOS mobile development. Downloading and Installing Xcode Variables, Strings and Numbers Variables Exercise 2 - Variables Conditional Logic, Arrays and Loops Dictionaries, Functions and Optionals...
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Kotlin Bootcamp for Programmers
by Aleks Haecky , Sean McQuillan , Asser Samak- 0.0
Approx. 2 weeks
Kotlin is an open-source, modern programming language that lets developers use both object-oriented and functional programming techniques. It is concise, safe, and fully interoperable with Java. Kotlin is an official language for Android development, and can be used in a variety of other applications, from back-end development to data analysis....
SAS Macro Language
by Stacey Syphus- 4.9
Approx. 19 hours to complete
In this course, you learn advanced techniques within the DATA step and procedures to manipulate data. ● Use macro variables and macro functions. Level 1 Practice: Defining and Using Macro Variables for Substitution SAS Functions and Macro Functions Level 1 Practice: Using the %UPCASE and %SCAN Functions Global Macro Variables Local Macro Variables...
Swift for Developers
by Gabrielle Miller-Messner- 0.0
Approx. 7 days
Take this course if you are ready to dive head first into the Swift language and iOS development. Get a quick practical introduction to Swift programming basics and build your first iOS app! Learn when to use variables and constants. lesson 2 Functions Define and call functions. Learn to use UIKit views and controls....