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Nik Software Collection: dalle Basi ad un Utilizzo da Pro
by Mauro Prelli- 4.3
4.5 hours on-demand video
Impara ad Utilizzare la Nik Software Collection ora Gratuita, partendo dalle impostazioni fino ad operazioni avanzate In questo VideoCorso imparerai ad installare la Nik Collection, un insieme di Plugin della Nik Software che Google ha messo a disposizione gratuitamente. Analog Efex Pro, Color Efex Pro, Silver Efex Pro, Viveza, Hdr Efex Pro, Sharpener Pro, Dfine....
Nik Collection da Google - Software Gratuito
by Telmo Lourenço- 4.3
3.5 hours on-demand video
Aprenda a usar os plugins Nik Software Collection e Crie Retoques Profissionais Neste curso irás aprender a instalar a versão Nik Collection da Google, um conjunto de Plug-ins de Software da Nik que a empresa Dxo disponibilizou. Efex Pro analógico, Color Efex Pro, Efex Pro Silver, Viveza, Efex Hdr Pro, Sharpener Pro, Dfine....
Master Viveza for Beautiful Colour Photography
by Robin Whalley- 0.0
2 hours on-demand video
How to achieve professional standard photo adjustments using the free Viveza software from Google I too had this problem before I learned how to the use the Nik Collection editing tools and Viveza in particular....
Google Nik Filter Effects: From Zero to Hero Masterclass
by Mauro Prelli- 3
4 hours on-demand video
Learn How to Use Nik Collection Now Available for Free, from Scratch to advanced Workflow Are you afraid about Post Production and Wasting Time to your Pc or Mac? Do you prefer spend time in photography or family stuff instead boring time on editing photos?...