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Grand Central Dispatch (GCD)
- 0.0
Approx. 2 weeks
Almsot all Apps consume data from web services, and therefore must use background threads for these lengthy operations. Even though we provide a black box solution for concurrency in the course, it is important that you understand how concurrency works in iOS. On top of that, GCD is a frequent topic in iOS job interviews....
Causes of Human Disease: Nutrition and Environment
- 0.0
Explore how nutrition and environmental factors such as toxins influence your chance of developing human disease. Food and nutrition Welcome Malnutrition and disease Obesity and disease Food safety and disease Revision Summary Environmental exposures About Week 2 Environmental factors and disease Waterborne toxins and disease Air pollution and disease Revision Summary...
Battery Manufacturing: Trends in Battery Engineering
- 0.0
Explore new trends in battery production, and the role sustainable batteries could play in the transition to a greener future. Batteries for Electric VehiclesBattery Storage TechnologiesBattery LifecycleRecycling of BatteriesSpecial Processes and EquipmentSafety Issues...
Evaluating Designs with Users
- 0.0
Learn how to evaluate your designs using effective UX testing methods on this UX design course from the University of Michigan. What is User TestingUser Test BasicsGetting More out of User TestingAnalysis and ReportingUser test and Report...
Collecting and Using Data for Disease Control and Global Health Decision-Making
- 0.0
Address the application of surveillance systems in a wide variety of epidemiological situations and make data-informed decisions. Field epidemiology and emergency responseUnderstanding surveillance systems with examples from the Democratic Republic of Congo and NigeriaConducting surveillance in hard-to-reach areasData for decision-makingChallenges and strategies in data use...
Growth Product Manager
- 0.0
3 Months
Product Manager is a top 5 job on LinkedIn's Most Promising Jobs for 2019, and one of the most coveted roles in large tech enterprises, as well as entrepreneurial startups. This program is designed for students who want to assume key leadership roles in product growth in their compa Hone specialized Product Management skills in growth strategy....
Why Biology Matters: The Genome and You
- 0.0
Learn what a genome is and use this information to answer questions about biology, yourself, and the world around you. Genetic of simple traitsGenetics of complex traitsShared proportion of the genomeDifferences among human populations and our ancestorsFuture of selecting genome...
Communicating with Diverse Audiences
- 0.0
Explore what drives the way you communicate and develop communication strategies for successful communication in diverse settings. What topics will you cover?...
Project Management Principles, Practices and Systems
- 0.0
Grow your project management skills, and understand project management methodologies and challenges. What is Project Management? The Project LifecycleRisk ManagementDiscussion/examplesMini Case StudyProject Information and CommunicationsClosing a ProjectContemporary Practice: Project Management Software, Agile ProjectManagement, Operations ManagementDiscussion/examplesMini Case Study...
Learn Jazz Piano: III. Solo Piano and Advanced Topics
- 0.0
Take your jazz music to the next level and learn how to play a jazz waltz, play in root position and more. Modulation and Rhythmic Phrases Introduction Preview and Modulation The Jazz Standard "I Love You" Swing and Rhythmic Phrases Application to a blues Exercise, Learning Objectives, Viewing and Listening Introduction to Playing In Root Position...