Search result for Corporate finance Online Courses & Certifications
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Finance 101: Financial Management & DCF Fundamentals
by Irfan Sharif- 4.1
4.5 hours on-demand video
Brief study of fundamental finance concepts like Time Value of Money, DCF, NPV and IRR, Cost of Capital, Bond Valuation. Finance is the 'art' of 'Money Management'. Finance and Accounting Students This course on Business and Corporate Finance Fundamentals is designed to give learners a head start in their studies, job, and business....
Applied Executive Ed: Intro. to Models of Corporate Finance
by Illumeo Learning- 0.0
1 hour on-demand video
This course explains how corporations are established & maintained and how the finance organization manages key elements The range of knowledge and skills required by corporate managers requires the breadth of readily applicable concepts present in this course series. Within an organization, finance and financial employees manage the circulatory system of an organization....
The Intelligent Investor: Value Investing-Corporate Finance
by Scott Brown- 3.6
4 hours on-demand video
Master all the same material you would in a Ivy League course on Principles of Corporate Finance and value investing. Does the vocabulary of finance make reading even the Wall Street Journal difficult at best? This value stock investing course teaches you the underpinning of corporate finance that Warren Buffett learned under professor Benjamin Graham at Columbia University....
CFA Corporate Finance Level 1 (Part 1)
by Raja Natarajan, B.Com., PGDBA, FCA- 4
14.5 hours on-demand video
Welcome to Corporate Finance CFA Level 1 (Part 1) Course. As the name indicates, this course covers part of syllabus of Corporate Finance Paper of Level 1 of CFA Exams. Wishing you all the very best to excel in Finance World....
Corporate Finance - Capital budgeting & Investment Decisions
by Manish Gupta- 0.0
1.5 hours on-demand video
Fundamentals of different techniques used in project evaluation (Payback, NPV, IRR) & their relative shortcomings. This course will help to clarify capital budgeting fundamentals, how to calculate Net Present Values, IRR. payback period and which method should be used in project evaluations as all methods have their shortcoming and advantages....
Основы корпоративных финансов (Fundamentals of Corporate Finance)
by Irina Ivashkovskaya , Sergey Stepanov- 4.8
Approx. 30 hours to complete
Курс посвящен новой для российской практики методологии анализа компании, сфокусированной на задаче максимизации ее фундаментальной стоимости. Он основан на концепциях современной финансовой теории и выходит далеко за рамки интерпретации финансовой отчетности компании. Применяя принципы универсальной финансовой теории, мы, тем не менее, отразим и специфику российского рынка капитала, который относится к группе развивающихся рынков....
Renewable Energy and Green Building Entrepreneurship
by Chris Wedding- 4.7
Approx. 18 hours to complete
- Plan for engaging with investors who might finance a new business. - Take real world first steps towards launching a new business or corporate initiative, by applying the 1-page business idea summary template and the Business Model Canvas to generating and refining your own new business ideas....
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Lease Accounting Fundamentals - ASC Topic 842
by Illumeo Learning- 3.4
1 hour on-demand video
For the Lessee, leases are either Finance leases or Operating leases. A Finance lease must meet one of five requirements, four of which are similar to prior capital lease accounting. However, in order to receive CPE credit the courses must be taken on an ‘approved-by-the-governing-body’ CPE platform, and for over two dozen corporate professional certifications, that is the Illumeo platform....
Yield Curve Analysis
by William Addiss (aka Bill Addiss)- 0.0
4 Weeks
Move your finance career forward today. Additionally, for those in finance-facing positions, such as Corporate Treasurer or Comptroller, Yield Curve Analysis will give you valuable context as you work with investment bankers and other external finance personnel to understand the status of your organization’s assets....
Introduction to Project Management for Finance and Acct'g
by Illumeo Learning- 3.8
1 hour on-demand video
Filled with real world examples from accounting and finance projects, this course introduces the concept of Projects, Project Management, and the Tools and Techniques used to manage projects. However, in order to receive CPE credit the courses must be taken on an ‘approved-by-the-governing-body’ CPE platform, and for over two dozen corporate professional certifications, that is the Illumeo platform....