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React Redux Ecommerce - Master MERN Stack Web Development
by Ryan Dhungel- 4.7
43 hours on-demand video
It is packed with hundreds of tips and tricks that can help you build almost any type of full stack app (not limited to ecommerce). Master the art of building FullStack/MERN Stack apps by enrolling into this course and never look back. Master the stack of all stacks and become the most productive and innovative developer of your team....
Master Django by Building Complete RESTful API Project
by Ilkin Guluzada- 4
5 hours on-demand video
Through the course you will learn how all these different technologies work together. The course is for all skill levels and experiences. It does not matter, whether you are developer who is currently learning Django or it is just your first project with these technologies, this course is just for you....
MERN Stack Web Development with Ultimate Authentication
by Ryan Dhungel- 4.5
9.5 hours on-demand video
Build Ultimate Authentication Boilerplate Project with MERN Stack from Scratch to Digital Ocean Cloud Servers MERN Stack (MongoDB Express React Node) FullStack Project from Scratch to Live Server with production ready Authentication MERN STACK The key concepts covered in this course Building Ultimate MERN (Mongo Express React Node) Stack Project MERN Stack Web Development...
Setup XAMPP run a local server web development
by Laurence Svekis- 4.5
1 hour on-demand video
Localhost made easy Web Developer Environment Setup XAMPP is available across Windows, Linux and MAC, and best of all its free to use. XAMPP is a free and open source cross-platform web server solution stack package developed by Apache Friends, consisting mainly of the Apache HTTP Server, MariaDB database, and interpreters for scripts written in the PHP and Perl programming languages...
Dissecting Ruby on Rails 5 - Become a Professional Developer
by Jordan Hudgens- 4.7
43.5 hours on-demand video
Don't simply follow a tutorial, learn what it really takes to become a pro Rails developer with this immersive course. Latest course update: March 2021 - Added multiple sections for the Ruby on Rails 6 full course update. This course was built to walk you through a real world approach to full stack coding....
Drone Programming Primer for Software Development
by Caleb Bergquist- 0.0
3.5 hours on-demand video
Here are some of the topics that you will learn about in this course · Understanding of the importance for each component that makes up the flight stack This course is not appropriate non-motivated non-technical people Check out the free lectures first and see if you think this course is right for you....
Professional Node.js
by Packt Publishing- 3.1
4.5 hours on-demand video
For this reason, he spends most of his free time improving his knowledge of JavaScript and playing with Node. Glenn Dayton has been a full stack developer for several years now with a strong passion for teaching spanning an even longer amount of time....
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Java/Spring Boot for Web development The complete course
by Kiril Anastasov- 0.0
13 hours on-demand video
This course is not for everyone. This course takes work. You either end up with advanced Java/Spring Boot/Thymeleaf Full Stack : skills, go on to develop great programs and potentially make an awesome career for yourself, or you try the course and simply get all your money back if you don’t like it…...
The Complete Front-End Web Development Course!
by Joseph Delgadillo- 4.3
17 hours on-demand video
Get started as a front-end web developer using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, and Bootstrap! Fallout inspired Pip-Boy - We will take what we learned in the CSS and Bootstrap sections of the course to code a Pip-Boy from the game Fallout. Google Chrome extension - We will finish the course by programming a JavaScript based Google Chrome extension....
JavaScript for ABSOLUTE beginners! [April 2020 Edition]
by MdJahidul Said- 2.7
34 mins on-demand video
This course is an ideal starting point. Don't be one of those! This course teaches you the fundamental programming skills that every developer must know. Anyone who wants to better understand JavaScript - chances are you've taken another course but didn't understand certain topics well. You can take this course to fill the gaps and strengthen your understanding of JavaScript....