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Build Creative Website Using HTML5, CSS3, jQuery & Bootstrap
by Irfan Dayan- 4.4
28 hours on-demand video
You are here because you are ready to start learning web development skills Or maybe you are already coding and want to take your web development skills to the next level. You will learn the Integration of Bootstrap framework which will really speed up the development time and it will allow to add some really great features to a website....
Machine Learning Masterclass: From Beginner to Advanced
by Mammoth Interactive- 4.1
79.5 hours on-demand video
Learn to code and build apps! Use machine learning models in hands-on projects. 1 to build, train,and test machine learning models. 2 and Java 8 languages, and how to use PyCharm 2017. Lessons are straight to the point, easy to follow, and perfect for people who are learning the more intermediate to advanced coding techniques....
A Look at Environmental and Social Risk Management in Projects Financed by the IDB
by Cristiane Ronza , Annette Killmer , Mariko Russell- 0.0
1 Weeks
The Inter-American Development Bank promotes sustainable development for Latin America and the Caribbean. This course is offered by the Inter-American Institute for Economic and Social Development (INDES) of the Inter-American Development Bank within the framework of the Project Learning Academy. Subscribe to the course and apply for financial assistance. Identify the most important aspects of environmental and social risks....
Learn Kotlin and Create Games Using the LibGdx Library
by Tim Buchalka's Learn Programming Academy- 3.9
21 hours on-demand video
As a result, you are learning from one of, if not the most experienced Java and Kotlin games developer on Udemy, meaning you can be assured that not only will you learn how to create your own games by following along in this course, but you will also learn the right way to create your game code....
Fashion as Design
by Paola Antonelli , Michelle Millar Fisher , Stephanie Kramer , Anna Burckhardt- 4.8
Approx. 20 hours to complete
Among all objects of design, our clothes are the most universal and intimate. Studio visits, interviews, and other resources introduce the history and development of each garment and their changing uses, meanings, and impact over time. Investigate garments through multiple lenses including politics, identity, and economics. Conversation with Artist Amanda Lopez and Designer Tanya Melendez on Door-Knocker Hoops...
Learning Path: CSS: Mastering Web Design with CSS3 Selectors
by Packt Publishing- 4.1
8 hours on-demand video
Rich Finelli is a husband and a father living in Piscataway, NJ, working as a frontend developer. He’s truly passionate and excited for all frontend technologies and enjoys learning about web design and development. He enjoys spending most of his time learning and teaching and has a love for visual programming and visualization in general....
2021 Update! React Testing with Jest and Enzyme
by Bonnie Schulkin- 4.5
15 hours on-demand video
Improve your React, Redux, Hooks and Context Code with Test Driven Development Take your React code to the next level by learning Test Driven Development (TDD) with Jest and Enzyme! Jest is a powerful, flexible testing framework, and Enzyme provides tools to test React and Redux applications. skip, and . Unit tests and Functional Tests...
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Programmatic Uber Clone App |Swift /Firebase| No Storyboards
by Stephan Dowless- 4.7
18.5 hours on-demand video
Build a fully programmatic Uber Clone with iOS 13 and the latest versions of Swift & Firebase, without storyboards! Learning advanced development skills should be taught using real world examples. You will learn how to code like a pro, and everything will be explained in detail along the way. Advanced backend development and architecture skills using Firebase...
Machine Learning with Core ML 2 and Swift 5
by Karoly Nyisztor • Professional Software Architect- 4.1
2 hours on-demand video
"Machine Learning with CoreML 2 and Swift 5" is the perfect course for you if you're interested in machine learning. “Thank you Karoly, you have delivered another excellent course, with detailed explanations and real world examples of machine learning that any app developer will be able to put into practice with their app development....
Reactive Programming in Python
by Packt Publishing- 4
3.5 hours on-demand video
Rudolf Olah is a software development expert who has presented at PyCon Canada 2017 on Python as a Programming Philosophy (Jupyter Notebooks, Sphinx and Python), and the Toronto Node. For Packt Publishing, he is the author of the Testing AngularJS video course, and keeps Angular developers up-to-date with the Learning AngularJS newsletter....